Nikolai I. Kononenko

Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
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  • Donetsk University, Faculty of Physics, M.S. in Biophysics, 1965-1970.
  • Postgrad. student, A.A.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 1972-1975 (Thesis supervisor Prof.P.G.Kostyuk), 1976 Ph.D;
  • Doctor of Biology, 1985.

Visiting Position

  • Visiting Professor, Department of Physiology, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan; March - June, 1990.
  • Postdoctoral scientific researcher, Centre for Neurobiology and Behavior, Columbia University, New York, USA; 1996-1998

Permanent professional affiliation

O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology
Departmet of General Physiology of Nervous System
Bogomoletz str., 4
Kiev - 24, GSP 252601, Ukraine
Fax: 380 44 293-34-31;
E-mail: nik[d]


Leading scientific researcher

Editorial Board



Research Interests

Seminar 21st June 1985 "Monoclonal antibodies"


List of publications at PubMed

  1. Kononenko N.I., Kostyuk P.G., Shcherbatko A.D. Properties of cAMP-induced transmembrane current in mollusk neurons. Brain Res. 376 , pp.239-245, 1986.
  2. Kononenko N.I., Osipenko O.N. A study of the connection between the interneuron initiating pacemaker activity in a bursting neuron and the bursting neuron of the snail Helix pomatia. Cell. and Mol. Neurobiol. 6 , pp.177-190, 1986.
  3. Kostyuk P.G., Kononenko N.I., Shcherbatko A.D. cAMP-activated ionic channels in the nerve cell membrane. In: "Receptors and Ion Channels". Ed. Y.A.Ovchinnikov and F.Hucho, 1987, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin-New York, pp.141-148.
  4. Kononenko N.I. Molluscan neurobiology in the USSR. In: "Neurobiology. Molluscan models". Ed. H.H.Boer, W.P.M.Geraerts and J.Joosse, 1987, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Oxford/New York, pp.158-168.
  5. Kononenko N.I., Osipenko O.N. Inhibition of an identified snail postsynaptic neuron evoked by stimulation of a peptidergic interneuron initiating bursting pacemaker activity in another neuron. Neuroscience, 34 , pp.189-201, 1990.
  6. Koval L.M., Kononenko N.I., Yavorskaya E.N. Histochemical investigation of serotonin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in cultured neurons of snail. Neurosci. Res. Comm. 7 , pp.133-139, 1990.
  7. Kononenko N.I., Shcherbatko A.D. The effect of oxytocin on potential-dependent calcium current in snail neurons, Helix pomatia. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 98C , pp.281-286, 1991.
  8. Kolchinskaya L.I, Kononenko N.I., Pogorelaya N.Ch. Inhibition by oxytocin of voltage-activated calcium influx in cultured PC12 pheochromocytoma cells. Ibid., pp.287-290.
  9. Kononenko N.I. Role of exogenous and endogenous factors in bursting activity of a snail neuron. In: "Studies in Neuroscience. V. 13. Simpler nervous systems" Ed. D.A.Sakharov and W.Winlow, 1991, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, pp.270-289.
  10. Kononenko N.I., Shcherbatko A.D. Intrinsic mechanisms of plasticity of a snail nerve cell. In: "Studies in Neuroscience. V. 15. Signal molecules and behaviour" Ed. W.Winlow, D.V.Vinogradova and D.A.Sakharov, 1991, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York.
  11. Kononenko N.I., Storozhuk M.V. Dopamine inhibits transmission between the interneuron initiating pacemaker activity in a bursting neuron and the bursting neuron of the snail Helix pomatia. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 102C , pp.17-22, 1992.
  12. Kononenko N.I. Role of cyclase system in generation of pacemaker activity in fast and slow bursters in snail, Helix pomatia. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 104C , pp.175-180, 1993.
  13. Storozhuk M.V., Kostyuk P.G., Kononenko N.I. Patch-clamp recording of cAMP-induced membrane current noise in Helix pomatia neurons. Neurosci. Lett. 154 , pp.203-205, 1993.
  14. Koval L.M., Kononenko N.I., Lutsik M.D., Yavorskaya E.N. Electron cytochemical study of carbohydrate components in cultured nerve and glial cells of snail Helix pomatia . Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 106A , pp.95-107, 1993.
  15. Koval L.M., Kononenko N.I., Yavorskaya E.N. Electron cytochemical study of carbohydrate components in growth cone of cultured nerve cells of snail Helix pomatia . Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 106A , pp.109-119, 1993.
  16. Kononenko N.I. Mechanism of membrane potential oscillation in bursting neurons of the snail, Helix pomatia (With an Appendix by N.I.Kononenko and E.E.Saftenku). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 106A pp.135-147, 1993.
  17. Kononenko N.I. Dissection of a model for membrane potential oscillations in bursting neuron of snail, Helix pomatia . Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 107A , pp.323-332, 1994.
  18. Kononenko N.I. Mathematical model of pacemaker activity in bursting neurons of snail. In: Proceeding of the IMACS Symp. on Mathematical Modelling. Vienna, 315-318, 1994.
  19. Koval L.M., Kononenko N.I., Lutsik M.D., Yavorskaya E.N. Electron cytochemical study of carbohydrate components in different types of cultured glial cells of snail Helix pomatia. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 108A , pp.195-212, 1994.
  20. Komendantov A.0., Kononenko N.I. Chaos in mathematical model of pacemaker activity in bursting snail neuron. Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, 18-19 , pp.725-728, 1995.
  21. Komendantov, A.O. and Kononenko, N.I. Deterministic chaos in pacemaker neurons of snail: experiment, model and simulation (Abstract. 40th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, Maryland). Biophys. J. 1996, vol. 70, N2(2), A409 .
  22. Komendantov, A.O., Kononenko, N.I. Deterministic chaos as a neuronal correlate of brain functions. Conference: Toward a Science of Consciousness 1996 "Tucson II", April 8-13, Arizona (In: Consciousness Research Abstracts (Tucson II), Imprint Academic, 192pp).
  23. Berezetskaya N.M., Kharkyanen V.N., Kononenko N.I. Mathematical model of pacemaker activity in bursting neuron of snail, Helix pomatia. J.Theor.Biol. 183, pp.207-218, 1996.
  24. Komendantov A.O., Kononenko N.I. Deterministic chaos in mathematical model of pacemaker activity in bursting neurons of snail, Helix pomatia. J.Theor.Biol. 183, pp.219-230, 1996.
  25. Komendantov, A.O., Kononenko, N.I. Route to chaos, crisis and oscillatory mode transition in a model neuron. Proceedings of the International Conference: Nonlinearity, Bifurcation, Chaos: The Doors To The Future. September 16-18, 1996, Lodz-Dobieskow, Poland, pp.149-152.
  26. Komendantov, A.O. and Kononenko, N.I. Roles of [Ca2+]in-activated non-selective cation channels in oscillatory activity of nerve cell: model studies. (Abstract.41th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, New Orleans, Louisiana) Biophys. J. 1997, vol.72, N 2(2), A366.
  27. Grishchenko O.V., Kharkyanen V.N., Kononenko N.I. and Weinreb G.E. Ion regulation of the kinetics of potential-dependent potassium channels. J. Biol. Physics 23, pp. 195-208, 1997.
  28. Kononenko N., Hawkins R.D. PTP at Aplysia sensory-motor neuron synapses in isolated cell culture does not involve NMDA receptors or nitric oxide signaling. Abstracts: Society for Neuroscience, 28th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., November 7-12, 1998, p.1189 (Part 1).
  29. Kononenko N.I. Role of the axodendritic tree in the functioning of Helix bursting neurons: generation of pacemaker activity and propagation of action potentials along the axon. Neuroscience 96, pp.399-406, 2000.

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