Deletion log
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Below is a list of the most recent deletions.(- 14:25, 27 October 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Take a look at it" (content was: 's to know on this and therefore whenever possible christian dating site should be used over this if possible. , what would you do? nce. e heating up when it is put alongsid…' (and the only contributor was 'Cr'))
- 13:28, 26 September 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Advantages Of Collaboration Automatic Washer Dryers" (content was: 'What washing machine and dryer usually are positioned the top? If you have ever asked this question as soon as, individuals are.[http://en.wikip…' (and the only contributor was 'JerilynPenanaana'))
- 13:27, 26 September 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "How To Determine Your Desired Tire Size When Purchasing Tires Online" (content was: 'There are many various types of tires that come in lots of sizes. You need to make sure that the tires that you buy will work with the appropria…' (and the only contributor was 'JaquelinoBurnett'))
- 13:27, 26 September 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Wedding Photography Pimple Free Plan Your Special Evening" (content was: 'Bill and additionally Kate Middleton will be married relating to [ wedding reception centerpieces] of this four week period. Could …' (and the only contributor was 'IEllisSalasm'))
- 20:54, 12 May 2011 Elena (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:Anketa-other.rtf" (Вилучена стара версія 20110512185428!Anketa-other.rtf: помилка)
- 20:50, 12 May 2011 Elena (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:Anketa-other.rtf" (помилка)
- 18:45, 12 May 2011 Elena (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:Resume-2011.rtf" (не редагується)
- 17:24, 12 May 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:CV.rtf"
- 17:18, 12 May 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:Attestation.doc"
- 16:48, 12 May 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:Определение объема текста.doc"
- 11:45, 15 March 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "User:Wokfel12" (зміст був: «#REDIRECT Payday Loans» (єдиним автором був Wokfel12))
- 11:44, 15 March 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Пуста сторінка" (зміст до очистки: «»)
- 11:42, 15 March 2011 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Payday Loans" (зміст був: «#перенаправление Пуста сторінка» (єдиним автором був Lesyk))
- 16:43, 11 March 2011 K53n14 (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:XI and RNAs.pdf"
- 16:37, 11 March 2011 K53n14 (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:XI and RNAs.pdf"
- 17:47, 16 December 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "MediaWiki:Modern.css" (зміст був: «- CSS placed here will affect users of the Modern skin: a { color:orange }» (єдиним автором був Baya))
- 20:05, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "User:Youngrada" (content was: ''''Young rada'''' (and the only contributor was 'Youngrada'))
- 17:15, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "User:Kellyprice8" (зміст був: «#REDIRECT Get rid of cellulite naturally» (єдиним автором був Kellyprice8))
- 17:15, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Get rid of cellulite naturally" (зміст був: «These excess fat normally accumulate in the belly location, creating it ugly and often decreases our self confidence. And then our self assura…» (єдиним автором був Kellyprice8))
- 17:14, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "User:Seemadas1111" (зміст був: «#REDIRECT Electronic Cigarettes» (єдиним автором був Seemadas1111))
- 17:14, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Talk:AnDatRa/Version 3.3" (зміст був: «> ---- <div style="background: #E8E8E8 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; overflow: hidden; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11pt; line-height: 2em; posi…» (єдиним автором був Ecewylewuz))
- 17:14, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Talk:AnDatRa/Version 1.0" (зміст був: «> ---- <div style="background: #E8E8E8 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; overflow: hidden; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11pt; line-height: 2em; posi…» (єдиним автором був Ecewylewuz))
- 17:14, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Talk:AnDatRa/Download" (зміст був: «> ---- <div style="background: #E8E8E8 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; overflow: hidden; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11pt; line-height: 2em; posi…» (єдиним автором був Ecewylewuz))
- 17:13, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Talk:AnDatRa/Screenshots" (зміст був: «> ---- <div style="background: #E8E8E8 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; overflow: hidden; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11pt; line-height: 2em; posi…» (єдиним автором був Ecewylewuz))
- 17:13, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Talk:Scientific Council" (зміст був: «> ---- <div style="background: #E8E8E8 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; overflow: hidden; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11pt; line-height: 2em; posi…» (єдиним автором був Ecewylewuz))
- 17:13, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Talk:Departments" (зміст був: «> ---- <div style="background: #E8E8E8 none repeat scroll 0% 0%; overflow: hidden; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11pt; line-height: 2em; posi…» (єдиним автором був Ecewylewuz))
- 17:08, 19 November 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Electronic Cigarettes" (зміст був: « == '''''Electronic Cigarette- Quit smoking with the new product''''' == A whole new industry has been born, providing stop smoking produc…» (єдиним автором був Seemadas1111))
- 23:47, 22 October 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "User:Penalshaw" (зміст був: «[ Acai berry] diet fo…» (єдиним автором був Penalshaw))
- 07:25, 5 May 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Школа-семинар "Биофизические методы исследования"/Photos" (content was: '<gallery perrow=3 widths=200 heights=200> File:2010.04.28_01.JPG File:2010.04.28_02.JPG File:2010.04.28_03.JPG File:2010.04.28_04.JPG File:2010.04.28_05.JPG File:2010.0…' (and the only contributor was 'Baya'))
- 07:09, 5 May 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Фотографии 4-й студенческой школы-семинара "Биофизические методы исследования"" (content was: '{{BiophysMethodsSchool menu|4}} <gallery perrow=3 widths=200 heights=200> File:2010.04.28_01.JPG File:2010.04.28_05.JPG File:2010.04.28_06.JPG File:2010.04.28_02.JPG Fi…' (and the only contributor was 'Baya'))
- 06:59, 5 May 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Школа-семинар "Биофизические методы исследования" - Альбом" (content was: 'Школа-семинар "Биофизические методы исследования" - Альбом <gallery perrow=3 widths="200px" heights="200px"> Фай…' (and the only contributor was 'Lesyk'))
- 06:58, 5 May 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Школа-семінар "Біофізичні методи дослідження" - Альбом" (content was: 'Школа-семінар "Біофізичні методи дослідження" - Альбом <gallery perrow=3 widths="200px" heights="200px"> Файл:2010.0…' (and the only contributor was 'Lesyk'))
- 19:48, 16 April 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Common.css" (content was: '#REDIRECT MedaiWiki:Common.css' (and the only contributor was 'Baya'))
- 19:48, 16 April 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "MedaiWiki:Common.css" (content was: '#REDIRECT MediaWiki:Common.css' (and the only contributor was 'Baya'))
- 19:47, 16 April 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "MediaWiki:Biph.css" (content was: '* { margin:0; padding:0; border: 0; } html { height:100%; margin-bottom:1px; } body { background: #eee url('/images/e/ec/Back-index.jpg'); font-family: Georgia, "Times …' (and the only contributor was 'Baya'))
- 16:10, 1 April 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "File:Биофизические методы исследования Registr form.doc"
- 11:11, 30 March 2010 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "Нова сторінка" (content was: '#REDIRECT Київське відділення Московського фізико-технічного інституту - Факультет молекуля...' (and the only contributor was 'Lesyk'))
- 13:34, 22 August 2009 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "MediaWiki:2009CS-notice" (content was: '* mandatory fields' (and the only contributor was 'Baya'))
- 13:33, 22 August 2009 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "MediaWiki:Regform-notice/en" (content was: '* mandatory fields' (and the only contributor was 'Baya'))
- 08:44, 9 April 2009 Baya (Talk | contribs) deleted "" (content was: '' (and the only contributor was 'Inamorato'))
- 16:26, 8 April 2009 Inamorato (Talk | contribs) deleted "" (content was: '' (and the only contributor was 'Inamorato'))