Staff of Department of General Physiology of Nervous System
Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
Acting Head of the Department
- academician O.A. Krishtal, krishtal[at]
Mrs. Chentsova I.I Junior Sci Res secretar
Scientific Staff
Biophysics of ion channels
- Prof., PhD,DrSci Lukyanetz E.A. head of laboratory elena
- Acad, PhD,DrSci Magura I.S. Leading Sci Res magura
- PhD Tarasenko A.N. Senior Sci Res
- PhD Melnik I.V. Senior Sci Res igorm
- PhD Pogorelaya N.Kh. Senior Sci Res nhp
- PhD Shkryl V.M. Senior Sci Res
- PhD Yavorsky V.A. Sci Res jva
- PhD Korol T.Yu. Junior Sci Res
- PhD Romanenko S.V. Junior Sci Res
- PhD Kravenska E.V., Junior Sci Res
- Mr. Lukyanets I.A. Sci Res ilukyan
- Mrs. Yavorskaya E.N. Junior Sci Res
- Mrs. Bogdanova N.A. Junior Sci Res
- Mrs. Chentsova I.I. Junior Sci Res
- Mr. Vrublevskij S.V. Leading Engineer
- Mrs. Drobnaya E.L. Engineer
- Mrs. Sotkis L.V. Senior Lab Assistant
- Mr. Kotul V.O. PhD student, Engineer
- Mr. Dragan A.V. PhD student, Engineer
- Mrs Serbenyuk M.P. PhD student, Engineer
- Mrs. Chopovska V.V. PhD student, Engineer
- Mrs: Stratievska A.O. Engineer
- Mr. Cherepaha D., Engineer
- Mr. Lukash O.V. Engineer
- Mr. Martynyuk M.M. Engineer
- Mrs. Olar T.A. Engineer
Diploma students:
- Mr. Titov I.A. Diploma student
- Mr. Tafi P.P. Diploma student
- Mr. Soroka N.S. Diploma student
- Mrs. Butsykina Yu. Graduate student
- Mrs. Kryvytska V. Graduate student
- Mrs. Rad'ko K. Graduate student
Molecular biophysics
- PhD,DrSci Belan P.V head of laboratory
- PhD,DrSci Kononenko N.I. Senior Sci Res
- PhD Grischenko A.V. Senior Sci Res
- PhD Saftenky E.E. Senior Sci Res esaft
- PhD Stepanyuk A.R. Junior Sci Res
- PhD Tsugorka T.I. Junior Sci Res
- Mr. Cherkas V.P. Junior Sci Res
- Mr. Dovgan' O.V. Junior Sci Res
- Mrs. Borysyuk A.A. PhD student, Engineer
- Mrs. Lebedeva S.A. PhD student
- Mr. Krotov V.V. Engineer PhD student
- Mr. Madan G.V. Engineer PhD student
Diploma students:
- Mrs. Ptukha A. Diploma student
- Mrs. Gluschenko I.Yu. Diploma student
Sensory signalling
- PhD,DrSci Voitenko N.V head of laboratory
- PhD Kopach O.V. Sci Res
- PhD Duzyj D.E. Sci Res
- Mr. Vyatchenko-Karpinski Junior Sci Res
- Mr. Sotnik L.N. Junior Sci Res
- Mr. Kolyada Yu.M. Leading Engineer jura
- Mr. Chomula E.V. Engineer
- Mrs. Goncharenko Yu.V. PhD student
Diploma students:
- Mrs. Ischenko E.O. Diploma student