A Workshop for young physiologists
- No registration fee
- Accommodation and meals provided by The Society *1
- Prizes for the three best posters
Participants receive one year’s free Affiliate Membership of The Society *2
This Workshop will focus on the general aspects of molecular physiology of ion transport and signalling systems with particular emphasis on their role in intra- and inter-cellular communications.
The programme will consist of lectures, poster sessions, and short oral presentations on related topics. All lectures and discussions will be in English.
The Workshop is aimed at scientists at an early stage in their careers (postgraduates and those in their first or second postdoctoral position); applicants must submit an abstract and present a poster based on their own work.
Please note:
the deadline for applications for travel grants to attend this Workshop is 31 July 2007
1* For the duration of the Workshop only; cost of travel, from the participants’ home to/from the Workshop, is not covered by The Society
Providing participants meet The Society’s Affiliate criteria