International Conference of the Young Scientists

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International Conference of the Young Scientists

Postby elena » Tue May 24, 2005 16:56

<a href=/forum/viewtopic.php?p=394>International Conference of the Young Scientists « The Youth in Science - 2005 », Minsk, November 14-18, 2005 </a>
Заявки приймаються до July 31, 2005, питання надсилати: ###31.07.2005###
Posts: 525
Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 21:03
Location: biph, ofns


Postby elena » Tue May 24, 2005 17:02

The Young Scientists Board
International Conference of the Young Scientists
« The Youth in Science - 2005 »
November 14-18, 2005.

Dear colleagues!
The Young Scientists Board of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus will organize International scientific conference of young scientists «Youth in science - 2005» in Minsk on November 14-18, 2005
During conference the attention will be drawn on strengthening of interactions and mutually advantageous cooperation between the young scientists of different countries and scientific organizations of the Republic of Belarus. It is planned to discuss the most actual directions of modern investigations, and also to outline the ways of their further development. The young scientists at the age under 35 years and organizations interested in youth scientific activity are invited to participate in the conference.


The humanities С
+375-29 77-21-217 Luban Victoria
Chemical sciences and sciences about the Earth С
263-81-19 Mamchik Sergey
Biological sciences
263-50-51 Rovbel Natalya
Medical sciences
284-22-67, (+375-29) 74-51-771 Antipenko Alesya
Agrarian sciences
212-07-21 (+375-29) 56-61-893 Rastorgouev Petr

Physical and engineering sciences
(+375-29) 55-77-972 Shmelev Evgeny
Physical and mathematical sciences
284-14-30 Pisarev Vitaly
The first step toward the science +375-29 40-13-945 Kasbanov Vladimir

The conference working languages are Belarusian, Russian, English.
The articles are accepted from young scientists at the age under 35 years.
It is necessary to send the following information for article publication (to July 31, 2005):
1. Application for participation in conference made in electronic and printed forms.
2. Electronic version of an article (4-6 pages)
3. Two copies on format А4 sheet, signed by the author
4. Review. A reviewer signature should be certified by personnel department or by the institute scientific secretary.
5. Experts' report (about publication possibility of data free of classified information that is can't be disclosed)
6. Copy of the payment document about registration fee payment.

The address of organizational committee: 220075,. Minsk, F. Skoriny avenue, 66, room 113.
It is necessary to indicate your scientific field on the envelope.

The Forum « The first step toward the science » will be held within the conference framework. The senior classes schoolchildren and students are invited for participation. It is necessary to present the documents according to general requirements to the publication and to indicate the name and degree of the scientific supervisor in the beginning of the article.
The registration fee is 15 000 bel. rubles for Belarusian young scientists, 5 000 bel. rubles for the students and schoolchildren, 15 US dollars for the foreign citizens, 50 000 bel. rubles for the representatives of the Belarusian companies and enterprises, 50 US dollars for foreign organizations.
The fee is necessary to transfer to the following account: 3622018320020 ASB «Belarusbank», branch 529, code 720,. Minsk, Surganova str.., 11, UNN 100668785, OKPO 28651911, addressee: GNU « Systems analysis and strategic investigations Center of the NAS of Belarus », payment purpose « for participation in young scientists conference »
The article will be included in the proceedings only if you submit all above mentioned documents.
The room in hotel will be reserved for the nonresident participants on preliminary request,.
Passenger fare, dwelling should be paid at the expense of the conference participants.

The article registration requirements
The article should be presented in printed form in duplicate plus the complete electronic version. ( on 1,44 MB diskette, or sent by e-mail to the addresses of scientific branches).
The article size: 4 – 6 pages, format А4.
The left-hand margins – 3 cm, the other margins 2 cm.
The title of the article: capital bold font, Times New Roman, 14 pt, without a point in the end.
First name, last name by capital bold font, Times New Roman, 14 pt.
The abstract (up to 200 symbols) in English. Times New Roman, italic font, 14 pt.
The text should be typed in Microsoft Word. The Times New Roman font, 14 pt. 1,5 line spacing.
The indention is 1,25 cm. Text width justification. Automatic hyphenation. Without pagination.
The figures should be made in the format *.bmp, *.tif, *.jpg or in the built-in editor Microsoft Graf in a black-and-white. The drawings text is typed in 12 font, italic font, and center justification.
The tables are made in the built-in Microsoft Word tabular editor. The table text: 12 pt font, italic font, and center justification.

The landscape format of pages and tables is not permitted.
The formulas are made in MS Word Equation formula editor.
The references are indicated in square brackets through the text.
The bibliography is given at the end of the article in Times New Roman font, 12 pt.

The articles non-complying with registration requirements and without electronic version are not accepted!
Conference Organization Committee (+375-17) 284-26-42



I. I. Ivanov
Institute of economy of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus, e-mail
Abstraсt (abstract in English up to 200 symbols)
The text from 4 up to 6 pages, format А4 [1].

Fig. 1 Figure title (12 pt, italic font, Times New Roman)

The table 1. A title of the table (12 pt font, italic font, Times New Roman)

, (1)
Where F - … (12 pt, Times New Roman).

The bibliography (12 pt, bold font, Times New Roman)
1. Петров С.С. Формирование инвестиций. – Минск: БГУ, 2003. – 150 с.
2. Сидоров Н.Н. Основы бизнес-проектирования // Вестник БГЭУ. – 2002.– № 10. – С. 40 – 47.
3. – 05.05.2004 г. (09:50). (шрифт 12 пт, Times New Roman).


On participation in International young scientists conference « Youth in science - 2005 »
November 14-18, 2005.

Inn Russian / Byelorussian in English
Patronymic (name)
(without abbreviations)

The position
Scientific degree and title
Scientific field
The report title
• (in Russian / Byelorussian)
• (in English)
The form of participation (to specify what is necessary)
• the plenary report
• the section report
• the stand report
The equipment (to specify what is necessary)
• multimedia projector
• codescope
• no
Contact address, telephone
For nonresident
Date of arrival
Date of departure
The requirements to hotel
(to specify what is necessary)
• single room
• two-man room

Posts: 525
Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2004 21:03
Location: biph, ofns

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