DoBC:State Awards

Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
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Main The Structure Of The Department Defended Theses State Awards Prizes and scholarships to young scientists Publications State Patents From Government Participation In The Programs Methods The Main Achievements of the Department

1994 - OO Moybenko., VF Sagach – O.O. Bogomolets Award of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the monograph "Immunogenicity of disorders of the cardiovascular system" -Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1992, 202 p.

1996 - V.F.Sagach, L.M.Shapoval, A.I.Solovyov, O.V.Bazylyuk, A.V.Dmytriyeva, M.M.Tkachenko,.S.M.Marchenko received the State Prize in Science and Technology for a series of scientific works "THE ROLE OF ENDOTHELIUM AND BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES OF ENDOTHELIAL ORIGIN IN THE REGULATION OF BLOOD CIRCULATION AND HEART ACTIVITY”

2003 - V.F.Sagach and M.M.Tkachenko among other authors received the State Prize in Science and Technology for a series of scientific papers "STUDY OF FUNDAMENTAL MECHANISMS OF ACTION OF NITRIC OXIDE IN THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM AS THE BASIS OF PATHOGENETIC TREATMENT OF ITS DISEASES"

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