
Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
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Dear colleagues! You are cordially invited to participate in the International Conference on Neuroscience, which will be organized on November 19-21, 2024 at the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology as a mixed-type event. The Conference is dedicated to 100 years anniversary of the famous Ukrainian neuroscientist academician Platon Kostyuk. As part of the conference, physiological readings will be dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of Physiology.

Platon Kostyuk.jpg

Platon Kostiuk (1924 - 2010) was a Ukrainian neurophysiologist and biophysicist, an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and the director of the Institute of Physiology from 1958 to 2010. He was a Hero of Ukraine. He was the first in Ukraine and the USSR to apply microelectrode techniques, and with his students, he developed the method of intracellular perfusion of nerve cells. He was the first in the USSR to implement the recording of single ion channel activity and was the first in the world to prove the existence of distinct calcium channels in the cell membrane of nerve cells.

Conference's topics:

  • synaptic transmission, synaptogenesis, and synaptic plasticity
  • channels and receptors of neuronal membrane
  • structural bases of systemic brain activity and psychophysiology
  • cellular and molecular mechanisms of pathologies
  • theoretical and computational physiology
  • physiology of visceral systems
  • teaching of physiology

Abstracts will be published in “Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal”.

The scientific section presentations will be organized on the Zoom platform (the videoconference details will be sent to the email address provided in the registration form). Participation without a presentation, as an attendee, is also possible. The working languages of the conference are English and Ukrainian. As part of the conference, young scientists will compete for the best scientific presentation.

The participation fee consists of two parts: in-person attendance at the conference's official opening and the printing of abstracts. Payment details will be provided separately. Registration form is here.

The deadline for the registration is November 1, 2024.

Abstract guide:

  • MS Word (doc, docx or rtf) or Google document, А4, page margins: left 2.5 cm, others 1.5 cm
  • Times New Roman, 12 pt, line spacing 1.0
  • one empty line between all structural elements
  • title - capitals, bold font
  • co-authors - regular text
  • affiliation(s) - italic
  • contact e-mail
  • abstract text without images and tables, if necessary - with reference list up to 4 items (instructions)
  • keywords
  • 1 page in total
  • English or Ukrainian

The template Media:Abstract_template.docx‎.

Organization committee:

Organization committee
Chair – M. Veselovskyi
Co-chair – O. Krishtal
Deputy chair
O. Lukyanetz
O. Maximyuk
Secretary A. Cherninskyi
O. Purnyn

A. Shysh

G. Skybo

O. Tsupykov

I. Chentsova

O. Iehorova

D. Isaev

H. Sotkis

V. Javorskyi

O. Rybachuk

V. Ganzha

O. Rykhalskyi

A. Dromaretskyi

V. Horbachenko

Yu. Nesterenko

N. Rozumna

V. Kulyk

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