DoBC:Defended Theses

Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
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Main The Structure Of The Department Defended Theses State Awards Prizes and scholarships to young scientists Publications State Patents From Government Participation In The Programs Methods The Main Achievements of the Department

2010 - S.O.Talanov "Changes in the functional state of the cardiovascular system of rats with chronic nigrostriatal dopamine deficit " for the degree of candidate of biological sciences, specialty 03.00.13- Human and Animal Physiology

2012 - Yu.V.Hoshovska "The role of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins UCP2 and UCP3 in the functioning of the heart" for the degree of candidate of biological sciences, specialty 03.00.13- Human and Animal Physiology

2013 - N.O. Dorofeyeva "The role of hydrogen sulphide in changing the functioning of the heart in hypertensive animals" for the degree of candidate of biological sciences Pathological physiology spetsialnistyu14.03.04-

2014 - O.M. Semenykhina "The role of hydrogen sulphide in the regulation of vascular smooth muscle tone and cardioprotective mechanisms of action" for the degree of candidate of biological sciences, specialty 03.00.13- Human and Animal Physiology

2016 - O.V.Akopova "The role of mitochondrial transmembrane pores in the regulation of Ca 2+ exchange, energetic and free-radical processes in the mitochondria," for the degree of doctor of biological sciences, specialty 03.00.04- Biochemistry

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