Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
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Current Department members
- Shuba Y.M., DSc, Prof. chair
- Philyppov I.B., PhD, leading scientist
- Lyubanova O.P., PhD, leading scientist
- Sotkis G.V., PhD, senior scientist
- Naidenov V.G., PhD, senior scientist
- Boldyriev O.I., PhD, scientist
- Nasibian L.S., junior scientist
- Gulak K.A., junior scientist
- Sharopov B.R., junior scientist
- Kulieva E.M., leading technician
- Shtefan N.L., PhD student
- Totska K., MS student
We are proud of them: our former associates all around the world
- Kondratskyi Artem, PhD
- Kondratska Katerina, PhD
- Lazarenko Roman, PhD
- Nosal Olena
- Osipenk Vadym, PhD
- Shcheglovitov Alex, PhD
- Vitko Julia, PhD
- Voitychuk Oleg
- Zhelay Tetyana, PhD
- Zhuravleva Stanislava, PhD