Serebrovska Tetiana

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Tetiana V. Serebrovska

Name: Tetiana V. Serebrovska
(Tatiana, Tatyana, Tetyana, Serebrovskaya, Serebrovskaia, Serebrovs'ka -dif.spellings) (Серебровська Тетяна Вікторівна, Серебровская Татьяна Викторовна)
Degree: PhD, DrSci, Professor of Physiology (доктор біол. наук, професор)
Scientific Topics: Physiology of Respiration, Pathophysiology, Intermittent Hypoxia
Skills and expertise: Diabetes, Energy Metabolism, Gene expression, High Altitudes, Hypercapnia, Hypoxia, Hypoxic Adaptations, Individual Reactivity of human cardio-respiratory system, Intermittent Hypoxia Training, Medical equipment for hypoxic training, Oxygen Consumption, Reactive Oxygen Species, Respiration, Sport Physiology.

(Serebrovskaya, Serebrovskaia, Serebrovs'ka -dif.spellings)
Professor of Physiology, Ph.D., Dr. Sci.
Principal Researcher
Active member-academician of International Academy of Sciences
Holder of the medal of International Association of Scientists «For Honesty in Science»

Date of Birth: 30 Dec 1947
Place of Birth: Kiev, Ukraine
Marital Status: Married

Education and Scientific Degrees:
1972: Graduated from Kiev State University, Department of Physiology, with first-class honors degree. MS thesis: “Role of hypothalamus in adaptative reactions of cardiorespiratory system to hypoxia”.
1978: Degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences (corresponding to PhD in Physiology). PhD thesis: “Age-related peculiarities of human respiration and gas exchange under different conditions of oxygen supply”, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
1989: Degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences in Physiology (corresponding to DrSc.). DrSc thesis: “Individual features of human adaptation to hypoxia in dependence on respiratory reactivity”, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
1997: Title: Active member-academician of International Academy of Sciences (diploma № 284-RS).
2010: Title: Professor of Physiology

1992- present: Principal Investigator and Head of scientific group, Department of Hypoxic States, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev, Ukraine
2003-present: Head of Bioethics Committee of the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev
1986-1992: Senior Researcher, Department of Hypoxic States, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev
1979-1986: Scientific Researcher, Department of Hypoxic States, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev
1974-1979: Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Respiration, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev
1972-1974: Laboratory Assistant, Department of Physiology, Kiev State University

Over forty years of scientific activity Prof. T. Serebrovska completed a large series of studies on the mechanisms of adaptation to hypoxia. She has organized and conducted dozens of research expeditions to Elbrus, the highlands of Tien Shan, she visited the mountain peaks of North and South America, Japan, Tibet and the Himalayas.

Tetiana is one of the leading experts on the effects of intermittent hypoxia on the human body and the implementation of the methods of intermittent hypoxic training/therapy (IHT) in medical practice, particularly for the treatment of broncho-pulmonary and cardio-vascular diseases, Parkinson's disease, diabetes mellitus, male subfertility, to limit premature aging. She is a tireless and mettled popularizer of these methods in the world medical arena. Under her leadership, new devices for IHT were developed, which received five domestic and two international patents. Prof. T.Serebrovska is the coauthor of several methodical recommendations on the use of IHT methods in clinical practice. The result of the scientific work of Tetiana Serebrovska is more than 300 scientific publications, of which 90 experimental articles and reviews have been published in leading foreign and domestic journals, as well as two monographs (co-authored with Prof. Lei Xi), published by “Nova Science”, USA (2009) and “Springer”, UK (2012) . In these monographs, the latest information was collected both on the fundamental mechanisms of the IHT effects on human and animal organism and on the clinical experience of IHT implementation for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, in sports practice and special work in extreme conditions. These monographs are very popular in international circles and have already withstood several editions. Tetiana is a member of many scientific societies and editorial boards of different journals. She is the founder and co-President of the Polish-Ukrainian Working Group on the pathophysiology of respiration, the honorary member of the Polish Society of Phthisiopulmonology. Prof. Serebrovska is actively engaged in social activities. She is a member of many scientific societies and editorial boards of various journals, the founder and co-president of the Polish-Ukrainian Society of Respiratory Pathophysiology, an honorary member of the Polish Scientific Society of Phthisiopneumonology, and a full member (academician) of the International Academy of Sciences. She organized and conducted many international scientific conferences. From 1993 to 2005, the most difficult years for Ukraine, she organized the delivery of large quantities of humanitarian aid (drugs) from the United States within the framework of the international society "NADIA" (co-founder- Prof. J.T.Reeves), arranged the exchange of American and Ukrainian doctors, training of Ukrainian doctors in the leading family medicine clinics of USA and Poland. It was she who founded the Biomedical Ethics Committee at Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology and has been chairman of this committee since 2004. For the active international activity, the International Association of Scientists in 2002 at the World Congress of High Medical Medicine in Barcelona awarded Tetiana Serebrovska with a medal “For Honesty and Disinterestedness in Science”. Prof. Serebrovska is an excellent teacher not only for her three children and three grandchildren, but also for the scientific youth with whom she has fruitful relations. Thanks to Tetiana, many postgraduates got a job in the leading foreign laboratories. For many years Prof. Serebrovska lectured at the Kiev States University. Tatiana’s personal qualities can be judged by the statements of her foreign colleagues. For example, Prof. John Reeves (University of Colorado, USA), one of the famous world experts in the field of hypoxia, had written: “Dr. Serebrovska is a woman competing in a male environment, but she is tough-minded enough to more than hold her own - given the chance”. Prof. Robert J. Swanson (Norfolk, USA): “I have been associated with many of my peers internationally, but Tatiana’s enthusiasm for the subject of hypoxia and tireless professional work in a time when budget constraints have required extremely creative thinking and acting, puts her in a class without peers. She truly stands head and shoulders above those around her and she has the added attraction of possessing excellent “people skills.”

1997-1999: Ukrainian State Program “Elaboration of new gas analiser for Medicine and Biology”
2000-2003: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER IN UKRAINE (STCU) “ Device for partial oxygen pressure measurement in biological objects”
2003-2005: STCU: "The Hypoxotron," New Clinical Device For Intermittent Hypoxia Treatment
2003-2005: STCU: «High-dispersed compositions: the way to optimization of reproductive cell media»
2003-2011: Ukrainian State Program “Genome”
2007-2010: STCU: “Effects of intermittent hypoxia training on human hematopoietic stem cells and cytokine production”
2011-2012: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: “Introduction of medical-diagnostic complex «Hypoxytron» for hypoxic stimulation in clinical practice”.
2014-2016: CELLGYM Technologies GmbH , Berlin (Germany): "Comparison of the hypoxic-normotoxic and hypoxic-hyperoxic effects on patients with metabolic disorders".
2017-2018: CELLGYM Technologies GmbH , Berlin (Germany): Pilot Project “IHT against mild cognitive impairments”

Key publications (books and papers in peer-reviewed journals):
(Different spellings of the author are sometimes seen in English Medline)

  1. Serebrovska TV, Portnychenko AG, Drevytska TI, Portnichenko VI, Xi L, Egorov E , Gavalko AV, Naskalova S , Chizhova V, Shatylo VB. Intermittent hypoxia training in prediabetes patients: Beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis, hypoxia tolerance and gene expression. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2017 Sep;242(15):1542-1552.
  2. Serebrovskaya TV, Lei Xi. Intermittent Hypoxia Training as Non-Pharmacologic Therapy for Cardiovascular Diseases: Practical Analysis on Methods and Equipment. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2016 Sep;241(15):1708-23
  3. Serebrovska TV, Serevrovska ZO, Egorov E. Fitness and therapeutic potential of intermittent hypoxia training. Fiziol Zh, 2016, 62(3):78- 91.
  4. Shatylo VB, Serebrovska TV , Gavalko AV, Egorov E, and Korkushko OV. Acute hypoxic test in patients with prediabetes. High Alt Med Biol. 2016 Jun;17(2):101-7.
  5. Serebrovskaya TV and Lei Xi. Intermittent hypoxia in childhood: the harmful consequences versus potential benefits of therapeutic uses. Front. Pediatr., May 2015, Volume 3, Article 44, p. 1-10.
  6. Mankovska IM, Serebrovska TV. Mitochondria as a Target of Intermittent Hypoxia. International Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology,6(4):1-16, 2015.
  7. Serebrovska TV, Shatilo VB. Remote Ischemic Preconditioning versus Intermittent Hypoxia Training: a Comparative Analysis for Cardioprotection. Fiziol Zh, 2015, 61(3): 99-117.
  8. Serebrovska TV, Shatilo VB. Use of intermittent hypoxia for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Review. Circulation and hemostasis (Ukr), 2014, (1-2): 16-33.
  9. Serebrovskaya TV. Lessons from a 20-Year Investigation of Intermittent Hypoxia: Principles and Practices. In: S.B. Singh et al. (eds.), Translational Research in Environmental and Occupational Stress, Chapter 22, Springer India 2014, pp 267-274.
  10. Nikolsky IS, Serebrovska TV, Taranukha LI, Nikolska VV, Galytska SM, Ishchuk VA, Semenova JaA. Immunomodulatory effect of intermittent hypoxic training. Russian Journal of Immunology 2013, 7(16), №2-3: 71-74.
  11. Bakunovsky OM, Mankovska IM, Nesvitaylova KV, Havenauskas BL, Serebrovska TV. New possibilities of capnography for disclosure of intermittent hypoxia mechanisms during asthma treatment. Herald of Vinnitsa Medical University, 2014, 18(6): 512-514.
  12. Serebrovskaya TV, Nosar VI, Bratus LV, Gavenauskas BL, Mankovska IM. Tissue oxygenation and mitochondrial respiration under different modes of intermittent hypoxia. High Alt Med Biol. 2013 Sep;14(3):280-288.
  13. Tetyana V. Serebrovskaya, Igor S. Nikolsky, Lubov I. Taranukha, Valentyna V. Nikolska, Svetlana. M Galytska, & Vadim A. Ishchuk. Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Immune Status of Subjects with Different Hypoxic Tolerance under Intermittent Hypoxic Training. International Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology, 2013; 4(1):5-12
  14. Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya (Eds). Intermittent Hypoxia and Human Diseases / Springer, UK, 2012, 316 pp.
  15. Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya (Eds). Intermittent Hypoxia: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications / Nova Science Publishers, NY 11788, 2009, 602 pp.
  16. Kolesnikova E. É., V. I. Nosar’, I. N. Man’kovskaya and T. V. Serebrovskaya. Aging- and Experimental Mitochondrial Dysfunction-Related Modifications of Energy Metabolism in Brainstem Neurons. Neurophysiology, 2012, 44 (1): 14-19.
  17. Kolesnikova E. É., Nosar’ V. I., Man’kovskaya I. N., Serebrovskaya T. V. Role of Glutamate NMDA Receptors in the Control of Respiration in Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Brainstem Neurons. Neurophysiology, 2012, 44 (2): 98-105.
  18. Kolesnikova E. É., V. I. Nosar’, I. N. Man’kovskaya and T. V. Serebrovskaya. Aging- and Experimental Mitochondrial Dysfunction-Related Modifications of Energy Metabolism in Brainstem Neurons. Neurophysiology Volume 44, Number 1 (2012), 14-19.
  19. Serebrovskaya TV, K.V. Nesvitailova, A.N. Bakunovsky, and I.N. Mankovska. Intermittent Hypoxia in Treatment of Bronchial Asthma in Childhood. In: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya (Eds). Intermittent Hypoxia and Human Diseases / Springer, UK, 2012, Chapter 11.
  20. Maria V. Belikova, Eugenia E. Kolesnikova, and Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya . Intermittent Hypoxia and Experimental Parkinson’s Disease. In: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya (Eds). Intermittent Hypoxia and Human Diseases / Springer, UK, 2012, Chapter 12.
  21. Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya and Lei Xi . Individualized Intermittent Hypoxia Training: Principles and Practices. In: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya (Eds). Intermittent Hypoxia and Human Diseases / Springer, UK, 2012, Chapter 24.
  22. Viktor A. Lopata and Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya. Hypoxicators: Review of the Operating Principles and Constructions. In: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya (Eds). Intermittent Hypoxia and Human Diseases / Springer, UK, 2012, Chapter 25.
  23. Serebrovskaya TV, Nikolsky IS, Taranukha LI, Nikolska VV, Galytska SM, Ishchuk VA. Hematopoietic stem cells and immune status of subjects with different hypoxic tolerance. Fiziol Zh 2012; 58 (3)
  24. Serebrovskaya TV, Nikolsky IS, Nikolska VV, Mallet RT, Ishchuk VA . Intermittent hypoxia mobilizes hematopoietic progenitors and augments cellular and humoral elements of innate immunity in adult men. High Alt Med Biol, 2011;12(3):243-52.
  25. Korkushko O.V., Serebrovskaya T.V., Shatilo V.B., Ishchuk V.O., Lopata V.O. Selection of the optimal modes for intermittent hypoxia training in medical practice and sports medicine. Methodical recommendations. Kiev, 2010, 30 pp [Ukr] .
  26. Tatiana Serebrovska, Igor Nikolsky, Vadim Ishchuk. Human adaptation to intermittent hypoxia: effects on hematopoietic stem cells and immune function. In: Adaptive Biology and Medicine, Volume 6: Cell Adaptations and Challenges, Eds: P.Wang, C.-H. Kuo, N.Takeda and P.K.Singal, Narosa Publisher, Canada, 2010, p. 181-191.
  27. Igor Nikolsky, Tatiana V. Serebrovska. Role of hypoxia in stem cell development and functioning. International Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology, 2010, 1(1):77-94.
  28. Serebrovskaya TV & Xi L. Historical Overview of Intermittent Hypoxia Research. In: Intermittent Hypoxia: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications/. Eds: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya/ Nova Science Publishers, 2009: 17-33.
  29. Pokorski M. & Serebrovskaya T. . Intermittent Hypercapnia. In: Intermittent Hypoxia: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications/. Eds: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya/ Nova Science Publishers, 2009: 261-273.
  30. Evgenia E. Kolesnikova & Tatiana Serebrovskaya. Parkinson’s Disease and Intermittent Hypoxia Training. In: Intermittent Hypoxia: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications/. Eds: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya/ Nova Science Publishers, 2009, Chapter 29, p. 577-588.
  31. Oleg Bassovitch & Tatiana Serebrovskaya. Equipment and Regimes for Intermittent Hypoxia Therapy. In: Intermittent Hypoxia: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications/. Editors: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya/ Nova Science Publishers, 2009, Chapter 30 : 539-601.
  32. Nikolsky I. S. & Serebrovskaya T.V. Hypoxia and Stem Cells. In: Intermittent Hypoxia: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Applications/. Editors: Lei Xi & Tatiana V. Serebrovskaya/ Nova Science Publishers, 2009, Chapter 22 : 469-487.
  33. Nikolsky IS & Serebrovska TV. Role of hypoxia in stem cell development and functioning. Review. Fiziol. Zh., 2009, 55 (4):116-130.
  34. Serebrovskaya TV, Manukhina EB, Smith ML, Downey HF, Mallet RT. Intermittent Hypoxia: Cause of or Therapy for Systemic Hypertension? Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008 Jun;233(6):627-50.
  35. Shatilo VB, Korkushko OV, Ischuk VA, Downey HF, Serebrovskaya TV. Effects of intermittent hypoxia training on exercise performance, hemodynamics, and ventilation in healthy senior men. High Alt Med Biol. 2008 Spring;9(1):43-52.
  36. Kowalski J., Gutkowski P., Serebrovskaya T. Beneficial either detrimental consequences for respiration and hemodynamics? Vestnik of Hygiene and Epidemiology, 2007, 11(1): 9-13.
  37. Kowalski J., Gutkowski P., Serebrovskaya T. Effects of intermittent hypoxia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. German Journal Pneumologie, 2007; Volume 67, Nr 11: 742-745.
  38. Serebrovs'ka TV, Korkushko OV, Shatylo VB, Asanov EO, Ishchuk VO, Moiseienko IeV, Drevyts'ka TI, Man'kovs'ka IM. [Individual characteristics of human adaptation to intermittent hypoxia: possible role of genetic mechanisms]. Fiziol Zh. 2007; 53(2):16-24 (Ukrainian).
  39. Z.A. Serebrovska, T.V. Serebrovskaya, M.L. Di Pietro, R.L.Pyle. Fertility restoration by the cryopreservation of oocytes and ovarian tissue. A review. Fiziol Zh. 2006;52(6):101-8.
  40. Serebrovska Z.A., T.V. Serebrovskaya, R.L.Pyle , M.L. Di Pietro. Transmission of male infertility and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (mini-review). Fiziol.Zh.. 2006, 52(3): 110-118.
  41. Serebrovskaya TV. Hypoxia-inducible factor: role in the pathophysiology of respiration (review) . Ukr Pulmon J, 2005, 49:3, 77-81.
  42. Vavilova G.L., T.V. Serebrovskaya, O.V. Rudyk, M.V. Belikova, E.E. Kolesnikova, T.V. Kukoba, V.F. Sagach. Influence of different regimen of intermittent hypoxia training on phenylarsineoxide–induced heart mitochondrial membrane permeability transition. Fiziol.Zh., 2005, 51 (4): 3-12
  43. Belikova M.V., Kolesnikova E.E., Safronova O.S., Serebrovskaya T.V. Aging and Parkinson’s Disease: Indices of Oxidative Stress. An indices of antioxidant state were determined under aging and in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Clin & Exper Pathology (Ukr), 2004, 3 (2, part 1): 259-261
  44. Serebrovskaya T.V. Modern views on mechanisms of individual peculiarities of adaptation to hypoxia. Mini-review coveres physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of individual reactions to hypoxia. Clin & Exper Pathology (Ukr), 2004, 3 (2, part 1): 91-93.
  45. Mankovskaya I., Serebrovskaya Z., Swanson R.J., Nosar V., Serebrovskaya T., and Lyabakh K. Oxygen-dependent proceses in tissues under adaptation to intermittent hypoxia and their clinical significance. In: Adaptation Biology and Medicine, 2003, vol 3: New Frontiers, ed. by J.Moravec, N.Takeda, P.K.Singal; Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata; p. 304-311.
  46. Serebrovskaya T. V., R. J.Swanson, E. E. Kolesnikova. Intermittent hypoxia: mechanisms of action and some applications to bronchial asthma treatment. J. Physiol & Pharmacol, 2003, V.54, P 35-41.
  47. Serebrovskaya T.V., Kolesnikova E.E., Karaban I.N. Breathing regulation under intermittent hypoxic training in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Fiziol.Zh. 2003, 49 (3): 95-103.
  48. Kolesnikova EE, Serebrovskaya TV. Parkinson's disease: Mechanisms of Neuronal Death (the review). Neurophysiology 2003, V35, #1, 56-68.
  49. Kolesnikova E. E., Safronova O.S., Serebrovskaya T. V. Age–related peculiarities of breathing regulation and antioxidant ensymes under intermittent hypoxic training. J. Physiol & Pharmacol, 2003, V.54, P 20-24.
  50. Serebrovskaya TV. Intermittent Hypoxia Research in the Former Soviet Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): History and Review of the Concept and Selected Applications. High Altitude Medicine &Biology, 2002,3 (2): 205-221.
  51. Kurhalyuk N. M., Serebrovskaya T. V., Kolesnikova E. E. Role of cholino- and adrenoreceptors in the effects of intermittent and acute hypoxia on rat liver mitochondrial respiration. Ukr Biochim J, 2002, 74 (6): 111-116
  52. Kurhalyuk N.M., T.V.Serebrovskaya, E.E.Kolesnikova, L.I.Aleksyuk. Exogenous L-arginine modulates the effects of acute and intermittent hypoxia on liver mitochondrial and microsomal oxidation. Fiziol.Zh. 2002, 48 (5): 67-73.
  53. Kurhalyuk N.N., Myshunina T.M., Serebrovska T.V., Kolesnikova E.E. Influence of L-arginine and nitric oxide synthase blocker N-nitro-L-arginine on blood catecholamines content in stressed rats. Endokrynologia 2002, 7(1):73-76.
  54. Serebrovskaya T.V., Kurhalyuk N.M., Nosar V. I., Kolesnikova E.E. Combination of Intermittent hypoxic training with exogenous nitric oxide treatment improves rat liver mitochondrial oxidation and phosphorilation under acute hypoxia. Fiziol Zh 2001, 47(1): 85-92.
  55. Kurhalyuk N.M., Serebrovskaya T.V. Intermittent hypoxic training influences on antioxidant enzymes activity, processes of lipid peroxidation under acute hypoxia and nitric oxide donor treatment // Medical Chemistry, 2001, 3(1): 69-71.
  56. Kurhalyuk N.M., Ikkert O.V., Gorin O.V., Gordiy C.K., Serebrovskaya T.V., and Galkiv M.O. Nitric oxide effects on free radical processes in rats with different resistance to hypoxia . Medical Chemistry (Ukraine) 2001, 3(3): 14-18.
  57. Kolesnikova E.E. and Serebrovskaya T.V. Age-related peculiarities of catecholamines exchange and ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia under adaptation to intermittent hypoxia. Arkhiv Clin and Exper Med 2001, 10(2):165-166.
  58. Bernardi L., Passino C., Serebrovskaya Z., Serebrovskaya T., Appenzeller O. Respiratory and cardiovascular adaptations to progressive hypoxia. Effect of interval hypoxic training. Eur Heart J 2001, 22:879-886.
  59. Lysenko G.I., Serebrovskaya T.V., Danilyuk S.V. Microcirculation and bronchial asthma: the review. Experimental and clinical physiology & biochemistry, 2000, #1: 72-80.
  60. Serebrovskaya TV, IN Karaban, EE Kolesnikova, TM Mishunina, RJ Swanson, PV Beloshitsky, VN Ilyin, AN Krasuk, OS Safronova, LA Kuzminskaya. Geriatric men at altitudes: hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity and blood dopamine changes. Respiration, 2000, 67 (3): 253-260.
  61. Gorpinchenko I.I., Boyko M.I., Swanson R.J., Serebrovskaya T.V., Serebrovskaya Z.A., Dobrovolskaya L.I., Trifonova J.P. Free radical processes in sperm of men living variable distances from Chernobyl AES. Urologia (Ukraine), 2000, #3, 62-67.
  62. Serebrovskaya TV, IN Karaban, EE Kolesnikova, TM Mishunina, LA Kuzminskaya, AN Serebrovsky, and RJ Swanson. Human hypoxic ventilatory response with blood dopamine content under intermittent hypoxic training. Canadian J Physiol & Pharmacol,1999, 77 (12): 967-973.
  63. Serebrovskaya T.V., Safronova O.S., Gordiy S.K. Free radical sources under differen oxygen supply conditions. Fiziol Zh, 1999, 45 (6): 92-104.
  64. Gorpinchenko I.I., Boyko N.I., Swanson R.J., Serebrovskaya T.V., Serebrovskaya Z.A., Dobrovolska L.I., Trifonova J.P. Spermogramma of men living variable distances from Chernobyl AES. Urologia (Ukraine)1999, #4: 68-74.
  65. Kolesnikova EE, TV Serebrovskaya, IN Karaban, IN Mishunina, LA Kuzminskaya. Role of dopamine in peripheral mechanisms of respiration. Neurophysiology, 1999, 31 (1): 18-22.
  66. Serebrovskaya TV , RJ Swanson, IN Karaban, ZA Serebrovskaya, EE Kolesnikova. Intermittent hypoxia alters hypoxic ventilatory responses. Fiziol Zh, 1999, 45 (5): 9-19.
  67. Lysenko G.I., Serebrovskaya T.V., Karaban I.N., Kolesnikova E.E., Danilyuk S.B. Use of the method of gradually increasing normobaric hypoxia in medical practice. Methodical recommendations. Kiev, Ukrainian Ministery of Health Care, 1998, 17 p.
  68. Kolesnikova E.E., Serebrovskaya T.V. Role of dopamine in oxygen chemoreception. Neurophysiology 1998, 30 (1): 68-77.
  69. Serebrovskaya TV, EE Kolesnikova, TM Mishunina, RJ Swanson, PV Beloshitsky, IN Karaban, VN Ilyin, AN Krasuk, OS Safronova, LA Kuzminskaya. Old men at altitudes: hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity and blood dopamine. In: «Progress in Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology», Proceeding of the 3rd World Congress on Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology, Matsumoto, 1998, p. 359-360.
  70. Serebrovskaya T., Karaban I., Mankovskaya I., Bernardi L., Passino C., Appenzeller O. Hypoxic ventilatory responses and gas exchange in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Respiration, 1998, 65(1): 28-32.
  71. Serebrovskaya T.V., Mankovskaya I.N., Lysenko G.I., Swanson R.J., Belinskaya I.V., Oberenko O.A., Danilyuk C.V. Intermittent hypoxic training in complex treatment of bronchial astma. Vrachebnoe Delo (Medical Practice-Ukr), 1998 (6): 104-108.
  72. Mankovskaya IN, Vavilova GL, Kharlamova ON, Nosar VI, Serebrovskaya TV. Rat cell membrane enzymes under adaptation to hypoxic hypoxia. Ukr Biochem J, 1997, 69 (2): 79-86.
  73. Appenzeller O., T. Serebrovskaya, I. Karaban, I. Mankovskaya, L. Bernardi, C. Passino. Hypoxia and Parkinson’s disease. Acta Andina, 1996, 5(2): .43.
  74. Serebrovskaia TV, Oberenko OA, Guseva SA. The relationship between respiratory system reactivity and neutrophil metabolism in hypoxia in persons subjected to ionizing radiation exposure. Radiats Biol Radioecol 1996 May-Jun;36(3):400-404.
  75. Serebrovskaya ZA, Serebrovskaya TV, Afonina GB. Blood chemiluminescence, lipid peroxidation and neuthrophile activity under hypoxic training in persons subjected to ionizing radiation exposure]. Radiats Biol Radioecol 1996 (3): 394-399.
  76. Ivashkevich A.A. & T.V.Serebrovskaya. Scientific activities of academician Nikolai Sirotinin// Hypoxia Medical J.,1996 (2): .6-12.
  77. Serebrovskaya TV, Karaban IN, Mankovskaya IN, Kolesnikova EE. Hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity under dopamine insufficiency. Fiziol Zh, 1996, 42 (3-4): 32-33.
  78. Serebrovska T.V. Method for nonspecific body resistance increasing by means of intermittent hypoxic influences “Hypotron”. Author’s Certificate PA #32, 06 Dec 1995.
  79. Serebrovskaya T.V., Krasiuk A.N., Guseva S.A., Beloshytskiy P.V., Oberenko O.A. Immune defense system during the adaptation to high altitudes in humans residing in radiation contaminated area. Hypoxia Medical J., 1994, 3: 22-24.
  80. Serebrovska TV, Gusieva SA, Beloshytskyi PV, Krasiuk AN, Klymenko LM. Respiratory reactivity and parameters of nonspecific immunity in workers of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant during adaptation to mountain climate. Fiziol Zh 1993 Jul-Aug;39(4):39-47
  81. Serebrovskaya T.V., Serebrovskaya Z.A., Afonina G., Minyailenko T. Effect of intermittent hypoxic training on human respiration, free radical prosses and immune system In: High Altitude Medicine , ed by G.Ueda et al. Matsumoto, Shinshu University Press, 1992, p.77-82.
  82. Serebrovskaya T.V., Ivashkevish A.A. Effects of one year exposure to altitudes on ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia, metabolism and physical working capacity. J Appl Physiol, 73(4), 1992.
  83. Serebrovskaya T.V. Comparison of respiratory and circulatory human responses to progressive hypoxia and hypercapnia. Respiration, 1992, 59(1): 35-41.
  84. Serebrovskaya T.V., Krasjuk A.N., Fedorich B.B. Human blood lactate degydrogenase isoenzymes spectrum and physical work capacity under intermittent hypoxic influences. Kosmich. Biol. & Aviakosmich. Med. (USSR), 1987, N 1, p. 87-89.
  85. Berezovsky V.A., Serebrovskaya T.V., Lipsky P.J. Respiration in twins under hypoxic conditions. Fiziol Zh, 1981, v.27, N1, p. 20-25.
  86. Serebrovskaya T.V. Peculiarities of human respiratory responses to hyperoxia and hypoxia from birth to maturity. Fiziol Zh, 1977, v.23, N4, p.456-461.
  87. Khvull A.M., Seredenko M.M., Serebrovskaya T.V. Respiration and gas exchange in newborn children with respiratory distress syndrome under hyperoxia. J. Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology (USSR), 1976, N 4, p.15-17.
  88. Tsybenko V.A. & Serebrovskaya T.V. Changes in dog oxygen blood saturation under hypothalamic stimulation. Fiziol. Zhyrn.SSSR (Physiol. J. USSR), 1974, v.60, N 4, p. 586-593.

Main patents:

  1. Lopata VA, Serebrovska TV. Elastic breathing reservoir. Patent of Ukraine for useful model number 82576, cl. A 61 M 16/00, publ. 12.08.2013 p. Bull. Number 15.
  2. Tatiana Serebrovskaya, Victor Lopata. Apparatus for breathing with hypoxic gaseous mixtures. Patent International # WO 2012/005712 A1 Tatiana Serebrovskaya, Victor Lopata. Apparatus for breathing with hypoxic gaseous mixtures. Patent International Application Number # PCT/UA 2010/000071, International Filling Date 07.10.2010, Priority date 5 July 2010; International Publication Date 12 Jan 2012.
  3. Viktor Lopata & Tetiana Serebrovska. RESPIRATORY DEVICE. Patent Number 591836; Filed 21-MAR-2011; Applicant / Patentee: IHT INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, New Zealand; Class: Schedule and Edition Classification IPC2011.01 A61M16/00; Published in: PATENT OFFICE JOURNAL 1582 29 April 2011 Page 14.
  4. Serebrovska TV, Lopata VA, Roy VV, Roitman EM. Device for breathing with hypoxic mixtures “Hypoxytron”. Patent № 44179, МПК А61М 16/00; Ukraine, 25.09.2009, bulletin № 18, 2009.
  5. Serebrovskaya TV, Roitman E.M., Lopata V.A., Osaulenko V.L. Device for breathing with hypoxic mixtures “Hypoxydoz”. Patent of the Ukraine # 57257 А, application # 2002054442, publ. 16.06.2003, bulletin #6.
  6. Serebrovska T.V. Method for nonspecific body resistance increasing by means of intermittent hypoxic influences “Hypotron”. Author’s Certificate PA #32, 06 Dec 1995.
  7. Slipchenko V.G., Serebrovskaya T.V., Sakcharchuk I.I., Denisenko G.T. Mode of nonspecific body resistance improvement. Patent USSR № 179958, А61М 16.00, 7 March 1993.

Share profile

Tetiana V. Serebrovska
Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology
4 Bogomoletz St., Kiev 01024, UKRAINE
Tel: (38-044) 256-2557 (o); 411-6590 (h); (38-067) 231 5925 (mob)
Fax: (38-044) 256-2000
e-mail: ;

Hobby: Music (playing piano, guitar, singing), water trips on kayak, work in the garden at the dacha, making wines.
