Harmatina Olha

Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
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Name: Olha Yu. Harmatina, PhD, MD

Коротенька біографія
Was born in Donetsk. In 1998 graduated from the Bogomolets National Medical University. Candidate of Medical Sciences from 2005. At the Bogomoletz Institute of Physioligy NASU from 1999 to 2008 worked in the Department of Experimental Cardiology. Since 2008 to currently I working at the Romodanov Institute of Neurosurgery NAMSU in the Neuroroentgenology department and from 2016 at the Bogomoletz Institute of Physioligy in the department of hypoxic state. Is the author and co-author about 120 scientific papers and 5 inventions. In 2017 approved the topic of DrSci thesis.

Посада й напрямки роботи:
1999-2002 – PhD student of the Department of Experimental Cardiology At the Bogomoletz Institute of Physioligy NASU;
2002-2005 - junior researcher in Department of Experimental Cardiology;
2005-2006 - researcher in Department of Experimental Cardiology;
2006-2008 – senior researcher in Department of Experimental Cardiology;
2016 to date - senior researcher in the Department of Hypoxic Conditions.
2008 to date – radiologist, Neuroradiology Department, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute NAMSU;
2008 to date – assistant professor in the department of radiology and radiology medicine at the Bogomolets National Medical University;
2017 to date – assistant professor in the Department of Military Surgery at the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy.

Проекти, гранти: To participate in the subject of the departments.

Ключові публікації:

  1. O. Yu. Harmatina, V. I. Nosar’, E. É. Kolesnikova, T. Yu. Lapikova-Bryginskaya, L. V. Bratus’, A. G. Portnychenko Functional State of the Mitochondria from Tissues of the Rat Brain after Chronic Occlusion of the Common Carotid Artery: Role of Lysyl Oxidase. - Neurophysiology. - 2017. – V. 49, N 6. – P. 424-431. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11062-018-9705-7.
  2. Harmatina O.Yu.Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 in Cerebrovascular Pathology // International Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology. – 2017. – V. 8 (3). – P. 279-289.
  3. Harmatina O.Yu., Robak O.P., Moroz V.V. Estimation of cerebral hemodynamics in its chronic ischemia in accordance to the perfusion computeric tomography indices // Klinich. Khir. – 2017. – № 4 (900). – P. – 39-42.

Scientific interests
1. Neuroimaging of pathological brain processes (tumors, vascular pathology, traumatic brain injury).
2. Study of cerebral hemodynamic changes in the steno-occlusive pathology of brachiocephalic arteries.
3. Studying of the involvement of mitochondria in mechanisms of the chronic brain hypoperfusion.
4. Studying of the genetic mechanisms of the chronic cerebral hypoperfusion.

Методики, якими володієте: All body MDCT (native and contrast enhancement), MDCT angiography, perfusion MDCT, digital subtraction angiography; roentgenology of bone, lung, gastrointestinal tract, urine tract, accident radiology; US of neck vessels, modelling of acute ischemic brain injury and chronic brain hypoperfusion; modelling of intermittent hypoxic state, DNA-comet assay.

Наукова діяльність не пов’язана з роботою:
Teaching at Bogomolets National Medical University (department of radiology and radiology medicine), Ukrainian Military Medical Academy (Department of Military Surgery).

Контактна інформація (тел., пошта):

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Fig. МDCT-angiography (А), digital subtraction angiography (B), perfusion MDCT (C) patient А., 37 y., with bilateral occlusion of internal carotid artery. Blue circle – bypass STA-MCA (A).
