Лабораторные работы 11-й школы-семинара "Биофизические методы исследования"

Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
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The duration of each practice session is 50 minutes (10 minutes break).

lab# Laboratory name room # Teachers
1. Confocal immunohistochemistry. The study of the properties of stem cells of different origins. 2 floor high rise bld, r. 210 Oksana Rybachuk

Dmytro Nesterenko

2. Sensory Signaling. Behavioral tests. Optogenetics. 2 floor high rise bld, r. 203. Kirill Agashkov, Diana Shevchuk

Margarita Krasnyakova

3. "Super Resolution" method. 4 floor high rise bld, r. 406 Alexander Tarasenko

4. Method "Patch-Clamp" and genetic modification of cells. 11 floor high rise bld, r. 1102 Aleksey Boldyrev, Bizhan Sharopov

Nataly Shtefan

5. Fluorescent methods. Calcium Uncaging in Neurons. 4 floor high rise bld, r. 404 Denis Osipenko

Andrey Dromaretskiy

6. Experimental models of epilepsy and neural plasticity. 4 floor high rise bld, r. 402 Elena Isayeva

Alina Savotchenko

7. Determination of gene expression by real time PCR analysis. 1 floor admin bld, r. 128 Tatyana Lapikova-Briginskaya

8. Cardiac catheterization to study parameters of cardiodynamics. 3 floor admin bld, r. 326 Yuliya Goshovska

Sergey Goncharov

Participants into groups:

Group number Participants

Schedule labs on April 26, 2017

Lab # Laboratory name room # Teachers Group number, time
14:15 15:15 16:15 17:15
1. Confocal immunohistochemistry. The study of the properties of stem cells of different origins. 2 floor high rise bld, r. 210 Oksana Rybachuk, Dmytro Nesterenko 1 2 3 4
2. Sensory Signaling. Behavioral tests. Optogenetics. 2 floor high rise bld, r. 203 Kirill Agashkov, Diana Shevchuk, Margarita Krasnyakova 2 3 4 5
3. "Super Resolution" method 4 floor high rise bld, r. 406 Alexander Tarasenko 3 4 5 6
4. Method "Patch-Clamp" and genetic modification of cells. 11 floor high rise bld, r. 1102 Aleksey Boldyrev, Bizhan Sharopov, Nataly Shtefan 4 5 6 7
5. Fluorescent methods. Calcium Uncaging in Neurons. 4 floor high rise bld, r. 404 Denis Osipenko, Andrey Dromaretskiy 5 6 7 8
6. Experimental models of epilepsy and neural plasticity. 4 floor high rise bld, r. 402 Elena Isayeva, Alina Savotchenko 6 7 8 1
7. Determination of gene expression by real time PCR analysis. 1 floor admin bld, r. 128 Tatyana Lapikova-Briginskaya 7 8 1 2
8. Cardiac catheterization to study parameters of cardiodynamics. 3 floor admin bld, r. 326 Yuliya Goshovska, Sergey Goncharov 8 1 2 3

Schedule labs on April 27, 2017

Lab # Laboratory name room # Teachers Group number, time
14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
1. Confocal immunohistochemistry. The study of the properties of stem cells of different origins. 2 floor high rise bld, r. 210 Oksana Rybachuk Dmytro Nesterenko 5 6 7 8
2. Sensory Signaling. Behavioral tests. Optogenetics. 2 floor high rise bld, r. 203 Kirill Agashkov, Diana Shevchuk, Margarita Krasnyakova 6 7 8 1
3. "Super Resolution" method 4 floor high rise bld, r. 406 Alexander Tarasenko 7 8 1 2
4. Method "Patch-Clamp" and genetic modification of cells. 11 floor high rise bld, r. 1102 Aleksey Boldyrev, Bizhan Sharopov, Nataly Shtefan 8 1 2 3
5. Fluorescent methods. Calcium Uncaging in Neurons. 4 floor high rise bld, r. 404 Denis Osipenko, Andrey Dromaretskiy 1 2 3 4
6. Experimental models of epilepsy and neural plasticity. 4 floor high rise bld, r. 402 Elena Isayeva, Alina Savotchenko 2 3 4 5
7. Determination of gene expression by real time PCR analysis. 1 floor admin bld, r. 128 Tatyana Lapikova-Briginskaya 3 4 5 6
8. Cardiac catheterization to study parameters of cardiodynamics. 3 floor admin bld, r. 326 Yuliya Goshovska, Sergey Goncharov 4 5 6 7
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