Лабораторные работы 10-й школы-семинара "Биофизические методы исследования"

Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
Версія від 16:03, 22 квітня 2016; Nana (Обговореннявнесок)
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The duration of each practice session is 50 minutes (10 minute break).

LAB № Laboratory name, room Teachers
1. Confocal immunohistochemistry. The study of the properties of stem cells of different origins.

2 floor high rise bld, r. 210

Dr. Oksana Rybachuk,

Dmytro Nesterenko, MS student

2. Sensory Signalling. Behavioral tests. Optogenetics.

2 floor high rise bld, r. 203

Dr. Nana Voitenko

Vladimir Krotov, PhD student

3. "Super Resolution" method

4 floor high rise bld, r. 406

Dr. Alexander Tarasenko
4. Method "Patch-Clamp" and pharmacological methods.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 409

Dr. Igor Chizhmakov,

Vyacheslav Kulik, PhD student

5. Fluorescent methods. Calcium Uncaging in Neurons.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 404

Matvey Yedutenko, MS student
6. Experimental models of epilepsy and neural plasticity.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 402

Dr. Yelena Isayeva

Arthur Romanov, PhD student, Olga Zapuhlyak, PhD student

7. Expression of the calcium channels in Xenopus oocytes.

11 floor high rise bld, r. 1102

Dr. Olga Lyubanova, Dr. Anna Sotkis,

Bezhan Sharopov, PhD student, Lilit Nasibyan PhD student

8. Cardiac catheterization to study parameters of cardiodynamics.

3 floor admin bld, r. 326

Dr. Yuliya Goshovska,

Tatyana Lapikova-Briginskaya, Sergey Goncharov

Schedule labs on April 20, 2016

Lab # Laboratory name, room # Teachers Group number, time
14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
1. Confocal immunohistochemistry. The study of the properties of stem cells of different origins.

2 floor high rise bld, r. 210

Dr. Oksana Rybachuk,

Dmytro Nesterenko, MS student

1 2 3 4
2 Sensory Signalling. Behavioral tests. Optogenetics.

2 floor high rise bld, r. 203

Dr. Nana Voitenko

Vladimir Krotov, PhD student

2 3 4 5
3 "Super Resolution" method

4 floor high rise bld, r. 406

Dr. Alexander Tarasenko 3 4 5 6
4 Method "Patch-Clamp" and pharmacological methods.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 409

Dr. Igor Chizhmakov,

Vyacheslav Kulik, PhD student

4 5 6 7
5 Fluorescent methods. Calcium Uncaging in Neurons.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 404

Matvey Yedutenko, MS student 5 6 7 8
6 Experimental models of epilepsy and neural plasticity.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 402

Dr. Yelena Isayeva

Arthur Romanov, PhD student

6 7 8 1
7 Expression of the calcium channels in Xenopus oocytes.

11 floor high rise bld, r. 1102

Dr. Olga Lyubanova, Dr. Anna Sotkis,

Bezhan Sharopov, PhD student, Lilit Nasibyan PhD student

7 8 1 2
8 Cardiac catheterization to study parameters of cardiodynamics.

3 floor admin bld, r. 326

Dr. Yuliya Goshovska, Tatyana Lapikova-Briginskaya Sergey Goncharov

8 1 2 3

Schedule labs on April 21, 2016

Lab # Laboratory name, room # Teachers Group number, time
14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
1. Confocal immunohistochemistry. The study of the properties of stem cells of different origins.

2 floor high rise bld, r. 210

Dr. Oksana Rybachuk,

Dmytro Nesterenko, MS student

5 6 7 8
2 Sensory Signalling. Behavioral tests. Optogenetics.

2 floor high rise bld, r. 203

Dr. Nana Voitenko

Vladimir Krotov, PhD student

6 7 8 1
3 "Super Resolution" method

4 floor high rise bld, r. 406

Dr. Alexander Tarasenko 7 8 1 2
4 Method "Patch-Clamp" and pharmacological methods.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 409

Dr. Igor Chizhmakov,

Vyacheslav Kulik, PhD student

8 1 2 3
5 Fluorescent methods. Calcium Uncaging in Neurons.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 404

Matvey Yedutenko, MS student 1 2 3 4
6 Experimental models of epilepsy and neural plasticity.

4 floor high rise bld, r. 402

Dr. Yelena Isayeva

Arthur Romanov, PhD student

2 3 4 5
7 Expression of the calcium channels in Xenopus oocytes.

11 floor high rise bld, r. 1102

Dr. Olga Lyubanova, Dr. Anna Sotkis,

Bezhan Sharopov, PhD student, Lilit Nasibyan PhD student

3 4 5 6
8 Cardiac catheterization to study parameters of cardiodynamics.

3 floor admin bld, r. 326

Dr. Yuliya Goshovska,

Tatyana Lapikova-Briginskaya, Sergey Goncharov

4 5 6 7
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