
Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
Версія від 16:16, 20 квітня 2018; Amor (Обговореннявнесок)
(різн.) ← Попередня версія • Поточна версія (різн.) • Новіша версія → (різн.)
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On the basis of the applied developments of the Department for the correction of pathological conditions, the use of hypoxia therapeutic regimes, the assessment of the influence of factors of different genesis on the state of the organism at different levels of structural organization, etc., is actively cooperating with representatives of medical institutions, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, the production of medical equipment and other. The work is carried out in cooperation with Ukrainian and foreign scientific institutions and firms:
State Enterprise "Institute of Gerontology",
National Institute of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine,
International Center for Astronomical and Medico-Ecological Studies of NASU,
Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of of NAMSU,
"Neurosurgery Institute" acad. AP Romodanova of NASU,
National Medical University named after. O.O. Bogomolets,
National Antarctic Scientific Center of the State Institute of Informatics of Ukraine,
Center for Integrative Medicine "SmartMed", Kyiv;
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0266 USA;
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23298, USA;
CELLGYM Technologies GmbH, Gesellschafter & Geschäftsführer, Berlin, Germany;
Manchester Metropolitan University, Oxford Rd, Manchester, UK;
Altium i10 company, Scotlab Ltd., 70 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 2QZ, UK;
Polish National Institute of Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis;
Medical Research Center, Warsaw, Poland.
At the international level, there is joint scientific and organizational work on deepening and disseminating knowledge about hypoxic therapies as a non-pharmacological tool for the prevention and treatment of many diseases and the development and improvement of devices for its implementation. Lectures are given to specialists in the medical and biological field in Ukraine and abroad (Germany, Spain, Japan, Slovenia, Poland, India, Russia, Belarus) during scientific forums and at the invitation of foreign firms.

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