Current events

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*[ Конкурс на здобуття Премії Кабінету Міністрів України за особливі досягнення молоді у розбудові України]
*[ Конкурс на здобуття Премії Кабінету Міністрів України за особливі досягнення молоді у розбудові України]
* [ Конкурс на здобуття Премій Президента України для молодих вчених у 2021 році]
* [ Competition for the President of Ukraine Awards for Young Scientists in 2021]
* '''26.03.2021 р.'''  Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція до 150-річчя кафедри загальної та клінічної патофізіології імені Д.О. Альперна ХНМУ: Перші читання, присвячені проф. Д.О. Альперну «Актуальні питання патологічної фізіології». Захід відбудеться у форматі «online». [ Детальна інформація].
* '''26.03.2021 р.'''  All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Department of General and Clinical Pathophysiology named after DO Alperna KhNMU: The first readings dedicated to prof. TO. Alperna "Topical issues of pathological physiology." The event will take place in the "online" format. [ Detailed information].
*[ Консорціум науково-дослідницької інфраструктури Центральної Європи (CERIC-ERIC) оголошує новий конкурс. Конкурс стосується доступу до сучасного обладнання для здійснення комплексних, зокрема міждисциплінарних, досліджень у галузі матеріалознавства та досліджень біоматеріалів. Граничний термін подання пропозицій – 1 березня 2021 року]
*[ The Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC-ERIC) is announcing a new competition. The competition concerns access to modern equipment for complex, in particular interdisciplinary, research in the field of materials science and research of biomaterials. The deadline for submission of proposals is March 1, 2021]
*[  Вебінари Web of Science українською - Ютьюб канал]  
*[  Web of Science webinars in Ukrainian - YouTube channel]  
*[  Вебінари Web of Science українською - Лютий 2021]
*[  Web of Science webinars in Ukrainian - February 2021]
*[ Вебинары Web of Science на руссом - февраль 2021]
*[ Webinars Web of Science in Russian - February 2021]
*[ '''Про те, як це – бути жінкою в науці?''']
*[ '''About what it's like to be a woman in science?''']
*[ Науковиці Академії долучилися до онлайн-дискусії «Як збільшити кількість дівчат у науці»]
*[ Науковиці Академії долучилися до онлайн-дискусії «Як збільшити кількість дівчат у науці»]
* 11 лютого, відзначається Міжнародний день жінок і дівчаток в науці. Його заснувала ООН 22 грудня 2015 року, щоб нагадати про важливу роль жінок в науці і технологіях. '''Дорогі наші жінки в науці! Сердечно вітаємо вас з цим днем! Бажаємо любові, натхнення, успіхів, удачі і гарного настрою!'''
* 11 February, marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. It was established by the UN on December 22, 2015 to remind of the important role of women in science and technology. '''Dear our women in science! Congratulations on this day! We wish you love, inspiration, success, luck and good mood! '''
*[ '''12.02.2021 Онлайн-конференція "Українки в науці, яким аплодує світ"'''. Серед запрошених спікерок – науковиці НАН України, які стали переможницями премії L’ORÉAL-ЮНЕСКО «Для жінок у науці» у 2018-2020 рр.]
*[ '''12.02.2021 Online conference "Ukrainian women in science, who are applauded by the world" '''. Among the invited speakers are scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, who became winners of the L’ORÉAL-UNESCO award "For Women in Science" in 2018-2020]
*[ ''''Привітання Президента Національної академії наук України академіка Анатолія Загороднього до Міжнародного дня жінок та дівчат у науці''']
*[ '''Congratulations of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician Anatoliy Zagorodny, on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science ''']
* Науково-видавнича рада НАН України до 10 березня цього року приймає на конкурс видання, випущені під грифом Національної академії наук України протягом останніх трьох років. [ Детальна інформація]
* Until March 10 of this year, the Scientific and Publishing Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine will accept for publication publications published under the seal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during the last three years. [ Detailed information]
* Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speaker:
* Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speaker:
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[ Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join]
[ Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join]
*[ Про оголошення конкурсу на заміщення посад директорів наукових установ НАН України]
*[ On announcing a competition for the positions of directors of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine]
*[ Національна академія наук України відповідно до свого Статуту повідомляє про наявність вакансій дійсних членів( академіків) і членів-кореспондентів НАН України]
*[ The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in accordance with its Charter announces the availability of vacancies for full members (academics) and corresponding members of the NAS of Ukraine]
*'''21.01.2021 р '''. (четвер) о 17.30 МІЖДИСЦИПЛІНАРНИЙ СЕМІНАР ОБРІЇ НАУКИ в он-лайн форматі (Microsoft Teams) - '''Проф. Нана Войтенко''' (Інститут фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України): '''Потенціал людського мозку'''. Лінк на приєднання: link_Obriji_nauky Для долучення необхідно встановити програму Microsoft Teams на своєму комп'ютері чи смартфоні, або скористатися додатком у браузері Chrome (чи Opera), і зареєструватися в ній. Детальніше див.
*'''21.01.2021 р '''. (Thursday) at 5.30 pm INTERDISCIPLINARY SEMINAR OF HORIZONS OF SCIENCE in online format (Microsoft Teams) -'''Prof. Nana Voitenko '''(OO Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine):''' The potential of the human brain '''. Link to join: link_Obriji_nauky To join, you need to install Microsoft Teams on your computer or smartphone, or use the application in the Chrome browser (or Opera), and register in it. See more
*  Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:
*  Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:
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*[ Онлайн-брифінг Президента Національної академії наук України академіка Анатолія Загороднього (ПРЕС-АНОНС)]
*[ Online briefing of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician Anatoliy Zagorodny (PRESS-ANNOUNCEMENT)]
*[ Програма PASIFIC: постдокторські стипендії в інститутах Польської академії наук]
*[ PASIFIC program: postdoctoral fellowships at the institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences]
*[ Конкурс на здобуття премій Київського міського голови за особливі досягнення молоді у розбудові столиці України – міста-героя Києва]
*[ for the Kyiv Mayor's Prizes for special achievements of young people in the development of the capital of Ukraine - the hero city of Kyiv]
* [ Конкурс на здобуття Премій Президента України для молодих вчених у 2021 році]
* [ Competition for the President of Ukraine Awards for Young Scientists in 2021]
*'''Адміністрація  та профком Щиро вітають співробітників Інституту з Різдвом Христовим і  Новим 2021 роком. Зичимо вам та вашим рідним  міцного здоров'я на довгі роки, творчого натхнення, успіхів у здійсненні задумів! Нехай Новий рік  буде кращим за попередній та стане для нашого Інституту роком нових досягнень та процвітання!'''
*'''The administration and the trade union sincerely congratulate the staff of the Institute on Christmas and New Year 2021. We wish you and your family good health for many years, creative inspiration, success in implementing your plans! May the New Year be better than the previous one and become a year of new achievements and prosperity for our Institute! '' '
* 12.01.2021 о 12.00 на засіданні Вченої Ради в режимі on-line на платформі ZOOM відбудеться апробація дисертаційної роботи к.м.н. В.І. Портніченко на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора медичних наук за темою: "Механізми розвитку гіпометаболічного стану при гіпоксії та підходи до патогенетичної корекції"
* 12.01.2021 о 12.00 at the meeting of the Academic Council in the on-line mode on the ZOOM platform there will be an approbation of the dissertation work of Ph.D. VI Portnichenko for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Mechanisms of development of the hypometabolic state in hypoxia and approaches to pathogenetic correction"
Науковий консультант: д.м.н., проф. І.М. Маньковська
Scientific consultant: MD, prof. І.М. Mankovskaya
Ідентифікатор конференції: 959 5041 1371
Conference ID: 959 5041 1371
Код доступу: 484127
* [ '''28 грудня о 12 00 в режимі on-line на платформі ZOOM відбудеться апробація дисертаційної роботи Ганжі В.В. на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата біологічних наук за спеціальністю 03.00.02 – біофізика за темою: «Дослідження впливу нейропротективних та ушкоджуючих факторів на нейрони гіпокампу при хворобі Альцгеймера»'''].
Ідентифікатор конференції: 919 1504 8094
Код доступу: 537895
[ '''Анотація Ганжа В.В.'''], [ '''Презентація до апробації Ганжа В.В.'''],
[ '''Відгук наукового керівника'''], [ '''Рецензія Соткіс Г.В.'''], [ '''Рецензія Осадченко І.О.'''].
Access code: 484127
* [ '''23 грудня о 12 00 відбудеться дистанційна апробація дисертації Лунько О.В. на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата біологічних наук за спеціальністю 03.00.02 – біофізика за темою: "Модуляція катіонних каналів великої провідності внутрішньої мембрани ядер нейронів Пуркіньє мозочка щурів".''']
*[[News archive]]
[ '''Анотація'''], [ '''Список публікацій'''], [ '''Рецензія Білан П.В.'''], [ '''Рецензія Тарасенко О.М.'''].
* [ Шановні колеги! За результатами державної атестації наукових установ,  Інститут фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України потрапив в І-шу класифікаційну групу!]
* '''22.12.2020.р.''' Інститут фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України оголошує конкурс на заміщення вакантної посади старшого наукового співробітника відділу фізіології кровообігу. [ Деталі за посиланням].
* '''18.12. 2020 р. (п'ятниця) об 11:00''' на сумісному засіданні Вченої ради та Ради молодих вчених Інституту фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України буде оголошено '''результати конкурсу на щорічну Премію Фонду П.Г. Костюка''', яка надається науковим товариством ім. Шевченка. '''Фіналісти конкурсу: Др. Тетяна Древицька''' (Інститут фізіології ім. Богомольця НАН України); '''Др. Татьяна Думич''' (Львівський національний медичний університет ім. Данила Галицького); '''Др. Марія Рибак''' (Інститут молекулярної біології і генетики НАН України). Кожний фіналіст виступить с короткою доповіддю. Переможця буде оголошено під час церемонії.
[ Meeting ID: 891 7477 2690 Passcode: 131119 '''Приєднатись'''] '''Запрошуються всі бажаючі!'''
*[ Подовження термінів подачі документів на конкурс здобуття грантів НАН України дослідницьким лабораторіям/групам молодих вчених НАН України]
* Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:
'''17.12.2020 '''. (Thursday) 10.00 '''Prof. Ulrika Simonsson: The Pharmacokinetic and Quantitative Pharmacology research group''', '''Prof. Mathias Hallberg: Biological research on drug dependence'''.
[ Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join]
*'''11.12.2020''' (Friday) 11:00 an online seminar will be held - '''Prof. Alexei Verkhratsky''' (Professor of Neurophysiology, University of Manchester, UK): '''Pathophysiology of astroglia''' [  Meeting ID: 891 7477 2690 Passcode: 131119 '''Join''']
[[media:Семінар Абрамович Т 07-10 12 2020 2.docx| З '''7 по 11 грудня 2020''' відбудеться дистанційна апробація кандидатської дисертації '''Абрамович Т. І. за темою: "Активація м’язів рук людини у перебігу повільних двосуглобових рухів"''']]
[ |'''Доповідь''']
[[media:Презентація Абрамович Т.І..pptx| '''Презентація''']]
[[media:Публікації Абрамович Т.І..docx| '''Список публікацій за темою дисертації''']]
[[media:Семінар Колосова О 07-10 12 2020.docx| З '''7 по 11 грудня 2020''' відбудеться дистанційна апробація кандидатської дисертації '''Колосової О. В. за темою: "Модуляційні впливи на Н-рефлекс у фізично нетренованих та тренованих людей"''']]
[ |'''Доповідь''']
[[media:Презентація Колосова О.В..pptx| '''Презентація''']]
[[media:ПУБЛІКАЦІЇ Колосова О.В..docx| '''Список публікацій за темою дисертації''']]
*'''7-12 December 2020''', with the support of the international project NEUROTWIN-Horizon 2020  On-line ''''14th Student Workshop "Biophysical Methods in Neuroscience and Physiology"''' [[media:School-Program-2020.doc | Program]] 
*[ Індивідуальні стипендії Польської академії наук: інновації та творчість]
*[ Competition for grants of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to research laboratories / groups of young scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for research in priority areas of science and technology in 2021-2022.]
*[  03.12.2020 р.  «Biotech meets Business 2020»!] [ Passcode: 734280 '''Join''']
*'''27.11.2020 р. (Friday) 11:00''' an online seminar will be held - '''Prof. Alexei Tepikin''' (Professor, Department of Molecular Physiology & Cell Signalling, Institute of Systems, Molecular & Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool):'''Ca2+ signalling, bioenergetics and autophagy: a lesson from pancreatic acinar cells'''. [  Meeting ID: 891 7477 2690 Passcode: 131119 '''Join''']
* Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:
'''26.11.2020 р'''. (Thursday) о 10.00 '''Prof. Hans Lennernäs: Translational Drug Discovery and Development: A brief overview of who are and what we do''', '''Prof. Per Andrén: Mass Spectrometry Imaging: Advancements and Possibilities''' and '''Erik Jansson: Probing ligand-receptor interactions with mass spectrometry'''.
[ Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Приєднатись]
*[ The staff of the Institute welcomes young scientists Ph.D. DRYN Darya Olehivna, Ph.D. MELNYK Maria Ihorivna, Ph.D. GALAYDYCH Oleg Viktorovich, who according to the results of the competition in 2020 was awarded the President's Prize for a series of works "Ion channel dysfunction: from molecular mechanisms to the latest correction strategies"]
*[  03.12.2020 р.  «Biotech meets Business 2020»!]
*[ 03.12.20209 In the framework of the “NEUROTWIN” project, Kyiv Academic University together with the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the NAS of Ukraine will hold a Biotech Meetup and Developments Battle!]
*'''20.11. 2020  (Friday) 11:00 '''As part of the NEUROTWIN / Horizon 2020 grant agreement, an online seminar will be held - Knowledge transfer: State-of-the-art Research Series - '''Prof. Arthur Konnerth''' (Senior Professor for Neuroscience,  Jana Hartmann, PD Dr, TUM School of Medicine, Munich, Germany): '''Orai2 and Ca2+ homeostasis in the brain: A tale of two types of neurons''' [  Meeting ID: 891 7477 2690 Passcode: 131119 Join]
* 20.11.2020 року Оголошено конкурс на заміщення вакантних посад Інституту фізіології ім.О.О. Богомольця НАН України. [[media:ОГОЛОШЕННЯ 20.11.2020.docx |Детальна інформація]]
*On November 17, 2020 at 12.00 a meeting of the specialized scientific council will take place online on the ZOOM platform Meeting ID: 856 0620 3359 == Detailed information in the Section of the Specialized Academic Council
*'''We are deeply saddened to announce that on November 14, 2020, at the age of 89, an outstanding pathophysiologist, specialist in clinical physiology and space medicine, long-term head of the department of clinical connective tissue physiology, doctor of medical sciences, professor, laureate of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Honored Worker passed away. of Science and Technology of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, the prize named after O.O. Bogomolets VADYM YAKYMOVYCH BEREZOVSKY '' '. We express our condolences to the family and colleagues in connection with such a heavy loss. The bright memory of VADYM YAKYMOVYCH will forever remain in our hearts. The farewell ceremony will take place on Monday, November 16 at 12:00 in the crematorium of the Baykovo cemetery.
*[  '''The staff of the Institute sincerely welcomes Ph.D. Olga Kopach with the award of the L’Oréal-UNESCO Award “For Women in Science” in 2020! We wish you further success !!!''']
*'''13.11. 2020 р. (Friday) 11:00''' NEUROTWIN Knowledge Transfer ZOOM conference: State-of-the-art Research Series - State-of-the-art Research Series - '''Prof. Boris Safronov''' (Professor, Head of the Neuronal Networks Research Group, Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Portugal): '''Afferent-driven presynaptic inhibition of nociceptive inputs to lamina I neurons''' [  Meeting ID: 891 7477 2690 Passcode: 131119 Join]
*[ '''Congratulations of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician Anatoliy Zagorodny, on the occasion of the World Science Day for Peace and Development''']
* Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:
'''12.11.2020 р'''. (Thursday) о 10.00 '''Prof. Robert Fredriksson''':Solute carriers in the regulation of metabolism та '''Prof. Göran Alderborn''': Current research program in the pharmaceutical technology group.
[ Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join]
*[ From November 1 to 30, 2020, the Competition of Scientific Photographs and Images will be held, timed to the World Science Day for Peace and Development]
* [ Web of Science webinars. November-December 2020]
*05.11.2020 р., 10.10 NEUROTWIN  EXCHANGE MEETING - '''GORAZD WEISS''' (Senior expert and Head of the Unit "Research Policy and Developmen"t at the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), Austria): '''Horizon Europe - the next research and innovation framework programme'''. [ Meeting-ID: 930 6446 5154 Code: 056634 '''Join''']
*06.11.2020  11:00 NEUROTWIN Knowledge Transfer ZOOM conference: State-of-the-art Research Series – '''Prof. Dmitri Rusakov''' (Professor of Neuroscience and Wellcome Trust Principal Fellow, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, University College London, United Kingdom): '''Exploring presynaptic mechanisms of synaptic function with optical sensors''' [ Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 891 7477 2690 Passcode: 131119]
*'''1-10 November, 2020 Brain awareness week Ukraine 2020 COVID edition'''.  Zoom - conference.
*02.11.2020 (Monday), 20:00 lecture - '''Ph.D. Alexei Boldyrev ''': "Parasites of the brain: non-fiction stories."[  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*03.11.2020 (Tuesday), 20:00 lecture - '''prof. Nana Voitenko ''': "Emotions and the brain: who controls whom?[  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*04.11.2020 (Wednesday), 20:00 film discussion - '''Victoria Kosyak''': "Bipolar Disorder" and discussion of the film "Collection of Rays of Hope /Silver Linings Playbook”. [  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*05.11.2020  (Thursday), 20:00 lecture '''Ph.D. Bizhan Sharopov ''': "Behind the scenes of logic, or How the brain performs judgments and calculations". [  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*06.11.2020  (Friday), 20.00 '''Ph.D. Vasyl Nagibin ''': "Immune spies in the brain: mast cells and their role in nervous diseases". [  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*07.11.2020 (Saturday) film discussion '''prof. Victor Dosenko ''': "Multiple Sclerosis" and discussion of the film "Forward / Go Now" [  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*08.11.2020 (Sunday), 20:00 lecture '''Ph.D. Victor Komarenko ''': "Reducing risks, or why modern neuroscience." [  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*09.11.2020 (Monday), 20:00 lecture '''prof. Victor Dosenko ''': "Conation is a forgotten third of the mind".[  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*10.11.2020 (Tuesday), 20:00 film lectures '''Sergey Goncharov''': Lecture "Schizophrenia" and discussion of the film "Mind Games"/ A Beautiful Mind”. [  Meeting ID: 844 6413 7299 Passcode: 903830 Join]
*'''Call for 2020 Platon Kostyuk Award''' is open. [[media: Announcement 2020 EN.rtf|Information]]
*'''30.10.2020 11:00''' NEUROTWIN Knowledge Transfer ZOOM conference: State-of-the-art Research Series – '''Prof. Georgy Bakalkin''' (Senior professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University, Sweden): '''Motor impairments by brain injury: challenging neurological dogma.''' [ Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 891 7477 2690 Passcode: 131119]
*'''30.10., 06.11., 13.11., 20.11. 2020 р. 11:00 NEUROTWIN Knowledge Transfer ZOOM conference: State-of-the-art Research Series'''  [[media:Agenda KTW 2020.docx| Agenda]]
*'''26.10.2020 р. 14:00''' NEUROTWIN Scientific Writing Workshop – ZOOM conference.  Series "Publication strategy of the scientist" - '''Ph.D. Tikhonkova Irina '''(information-analytical resources and training, Clarivate):''' Principles of scientific communication. Types of scientific literature. Databases of scientific literature: specialized and scientometric on the example of Medline (PubMed) and Web of Science. '''[ Ghb''' Join the conference - Meeting ID: 832 3062 4790 Passcode: 749980]
*'''28.10.2020 р. 12.00''' NEUROTWIN Scientific Writing Workshop – ZOOM conference.Series "Publication strategy of the scientist" - '''Ph.D. Tikhonkova Irina '''(information-analytical resources and training, Clarivate):''' Scientific publication is an atomic unit of scientific communication. What does a publication in an international publication give a scientist? How to choose a publication to publish? Check the indexing of the publication in the Web of Science Core Collection. ''' [ Join the conference Meeting ID: 834 5958 2761 Passcode: 894034]
*'''02.11.2020 р. 14.00''' NEUROTWIN Scientific Writing Workshop – ZOOM conference. Series "Publication strategy of the scientist" - '''Ph.D. Tikhonkova Irina '''(information-analytical resources and training, Clarivate):''' Presentation of the scientist's achievements. Author profiles and their functions. Difficulties in identifying the achievements of a scientist in Science databases and how to avoid them, search for the author in the Web of Science. ''' [ Join the conference Meeting ID: 889 8380 4721 Passcode: 994603ї]
*[ Competition for state scholarships for the best young scientists to perpetuate the events of the Revolution of Dignity and honor the feat of the Heroes of Ukraine - Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred Сотні]
*[ On behalf of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, by October 23, 2020, we ask you to take part in a survey on the use of scientometric databases and scientists' needs in the use of other electronic resources of scientific and technical information.]
* [ '''Until November 1, 2020, the Fulbright Academic Exchange Program Office is accepting applications for the Fulbright Research and Development Program - six- to nine-month research scholarships at US universities''']
*[ New members of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine elected]
*[ '''Thanks from the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician Anatoliy Zagorodny''']
*[ '''The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has elected a new President''']
*[ Clarivate Analytics invites to webinars to help you succeed in your research]
*The Scientific Council of NRFU approved the results of the competitions [ "Science for the safety of human and society"] and [ "Support to research of  highly experienced and young scientists"]
*[ '''Elections of the President and Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine''']
*[ Election program of the candidate for the position of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine '''Vladyslav Volodymyrovych Honcharuk''']
*[ Election program of the candidate for the position of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine '''Danylyshyn Bohdan Mykhailovych''']
*[ Election program of the candidate for the position of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine '''Zagorodny Anatoliy Hlibovych''']
*[ Election program of the candidate for the position of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine '''Komisarenko Serhiy Vasyliovych''']
*[ Election program of the candidate for the position of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine '''Seminozhenko Volodymyr Petrovich''']
*September 24, 2020, With the support of the international project NEUROTWIN-Horizon 2020 Information Day: "Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) - an effective tool for internationalization of innovation and activation of the transfer of academic technologies" "Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of NAS of Ukraine, st. Bogomolets 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, room 214 (lab building) at 11:00) [[media:Програма Тренінг 24 09.2020.docx| Програма]]
* Until November 1, 2020, the Fulbright Academic Exchange Program Office accepts applications for the FULBRIGHT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM for six to nine months of research at US universities. [ 1. Detail information]. [ 2. Interesting: Ukrainian Fulbright scholars - 2019-2020 scholarship holders (VISNYK № 25, November 2019)].
* [ '''On August 19 this year, the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, the first Hero of Ukraine, Academician Borys Paton '''] passed away.
'' 'Directorate and staff of the Institute of Physiology. O.O. Bogomolets of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine expresses deep condolences to the family and friends, friends, and colleagues of Borys Yevhenovych Paton'''
Farewell to Borys Paton is planned for Saturday, August 22, in the club of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (7 Institutska Street, Khreschatyk Metro Station) from 10:00 to 12:00. Funeral at Baykovo Cemetery at 3 p.m.
* [ Competition for nominal scholarships of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists - doctors of sciences for 2021!]
* '''To the attention of candidates for the degree of CANDIDATE OF SCIENCES and supervisors!'''
According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 946 dated 22.07.2020, the term of office of the specialized scientific council D 26.198.01 was extended to '''15 May 2021.'
This continues to provide the opportunity to defend Ph. D. theses scheduled '' 'until September 2016.'''
The deadline for applications for the defense of candidate dissertations with the appropriate package of documents, dissertation, and abstract '' 'December 24, 2020.'''
* '' 'Academy of Europe - Academia Europaea * - congratulated its full member, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Oleh Oleksandrovych Kryshtal on his 75th birthday and noted his scientific and literary achievements'''. [ Details].
* Additional submission deadline. Royal Society of Canada Competition for Grants 2020! [ Details]
* Defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Semenikhina Margarita Alekseevna on the topic "'' The role of protease-activated receptors of the first type in the pathogenesis of behavioral disorders caused by status epilepticus ''" will be held on '''24.07.2020 at 12:00''' at O.O. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, [[%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%96%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%92%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%A0%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0_%D0%94%D0%A4_26.198.001|  details]]
* '''The staff of the Institute of Physiology. O.O. Bogomolets of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine sincerely congratulates Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Dmytro Arturovych Vasylenko, on the Jubilee !!! Colleagues and friends wish you good health for many years, creative inspiration, the fulfillment of the most important wishes, and goodness and peace.'''
*Under the NEUROTWIN grant program, a competition is announced to support the publication of works by the employees of the O.O. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology in journals on the profile of "Neuroscience" have open access (Open Access Journals).[ Details], [ Sample letter]
*'''The staff of the  O.O. Bogomolets Institute Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine sincerely congratulates dear Oleh Oleksandrovych Kryshtal - Director of the Institute, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the Jubilee! Colleagues and friends wish you good health, creative inspiration, kindness, peace and harmony, worthy students, and many more useful years!''' [ Information]
*[[media:Вебинары WoS липень 2020.docx | Web of Science webinars (July 2020)]]
*[ Registration for participation in the 3rd season of the Ukrainian L'Oréal Award - UNESCO "For Women in Science - 2020" has been extended until July 17, 2020]
* In connection with the COVID-19 epidemic, the NEUROTWIN grant program continues and slightly changes the terms of the competition for the best publication for 2017-2020 in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience. The winner of the competition will receive a grant to participate in any European conference on the neuroscience of his / her choice. [[media: New Contest for the best publication nv.docx | Detailed information]]
* '''The staff of the  O.O. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology,  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine sincerely congratulates the corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Skibo Halyna Hryhorivna, on the Jubilee !!! He wishes you a festive mood and good health, peace and prosperity, optimism and inexhaustible energy, relentless progress, and new achievements! '''
*[ The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has extended the subscription to the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science for higher education institutions and research institutions of Ukraine]
* [[media: Seminar Sheremet E.Yu.docx | From '''June 3 to 5, 2020''' there will be a remote testing of the candidate Sheremet E.Yu. on the topic: "EXPRESSION AND SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF NEURAL CALCIUM SENSORY PROTEIN HYPOCALCIN IN SUBCELLULAR COMPARTMENTS"]]
[[media:Слайди презентації Шеремет.pdf| '''Presentation''']]
[[media:Список публікацій Шеремет Є.Ю..pdf| '''List of publications on the topic of the dissertation''']]
*[ Joint competition of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Polish Academy of Sciences 2021-2023. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until June 30, 2020]
*[ Applications for participation in the 3rd season of the Ukrainian L’ORÉAL – UNESCO Award “For Women in Science” continue until June 17, 2020]
*NATIONAL RESEARCH FUND OF UKRAINE [ The competition "Support for research of leading and young scientists" has been announced21.05-26.06.2020]
*[ '''Congratulations of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician Borys Paton, on the Day of Science - 2020''']
*[[ media:Семінар Телька М 12-15 05 2020.docx|З '''12 по 15 травня 2020 р.'''On May 12-15, 2020, a remote approbation of Telka MV's candidate's dissertation on the topic: "Properties of adrenergic modulation of calcium currents of trigeminal ganglion neurons" will take place.]]
[[media:Презентація Телька М.В..pptx| '''Presentation''']]
[[media:ПУБЛІКАЦІЇ Телька М.В..docx| '''List of publications on the topic of the dissertation''']]
*NATIONAL RESEARCH FUND OF UKRAINE  [  The competition "Science for the safety of man and society" has been announced]
*'''Dear colleagues! FENS announced the competition results for grants to participate in the XII Forum on Neuroscience FENS 2020 '''. The winners were awarded grants equal to their registration fees. For all those who have received a FENS grant, the '''NEUROTWIN''' program can help pay for the abstract. All those who applied but did not receive a grant can urgently apply for a grant from the NEUROTWIN program ('''until 13.05.2020,''' inclusive). [[media:2020.05.09 Neurotwin FENS travel grant add.docx| Details]]
*[  Вебінари Web of Science (травень 2020 р.)]  [ Connection instructions]
*The Institute's staff sincerely welcomes''' Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Skybo Halyna Hryhorivna, Ph. D. Lushnikova Iryna Vasylivna, and Ph.D. Kovalenko Tetyana Mykolayivna ''', who according to the results of the competition in 2019''' was awarded the prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after P.G. Kostyuk '''for a series of works "Structural changes in the nervous tissue of the brain in ischemic lesions." '''We wish you further success!'''           
[[File:Скибо Премія Костюка.png|400px|center]]
*The staff of the Institute sincerely congratulates '''Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Mykola Serhiiovych Veselovsky''' with the award of the NAS of Ukraine "For preparation of scientific change" '''We wish further success!'''
*[ Academy presents materials on the results of its activities in 2015-2019][ REPORT ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE in 2019]
* A new version of the Statute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine will be adopted at the regular General Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Researchers of the institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are invited to provide suggestions for its improvement. Please send proposals to Gotsulyak Yaroslav Mykolayovych no later than May 6, 2020, to the address: [[media:Статут НАН України.pdf| '''Charter of the NAS of Ukraine''']]
*[[media:Seminar Agashkov 26-29 04 2020.docx| З '''April 26-29, 2020,'' 'will be a remote approbation of the candidate's dissertation Agashkova KS on the topic: "CELL-SPECIFIC MECHANISMS OF NOCICEPTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING IN THE DORSAL HORSE OF THE SPINAL CORD AND THE LATEST APPROACH TO THE APPROACH TO treating the pain."]]
[ '''Report''']
[[media:Агашков презентація.ppt|  '''Presentation''']]
[[media:СПИСОК ПУБЛІКАЦІЙ ЗА ТЕМОЮ ДИСЕРТАЦІЇ.docx| '''List of publications on the topic of the dissertation''']]
Questions and comments should be sent to:
*[[media:Семінар Федорюк 24-28 04 2020.docx| From '' '24 to April 28, 2020 '' 'there will be a remote approbation of the candidate's dissertation of the M.Sc. Department of FCBCM Institute of Physiology. O.O. Bogomolets of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Fedoryuk MP on the topic: "INFLUENCE OF PROTON-SENSITIVE ION CHANNELS ON THE ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY OF THE BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR OF RATS."]]
[ '''Report''']  [[media:Федорюк Презентація.pptx|  '''Presentation''']]  [[media:Федорюк Публікації.docx| '''List of publications on the topic of the dissertation''']]
Send questions and comments to the address:
*[ Applications for participation in the forum "Green Talents award 2020" have started. Acceptance of applications ends on May 19, 2020]
*[  Continuation of research during the quarantine. Possibilities of remote access to Web of Science]
*[ '''Clarivate Analytics Online Seminars' '': Technical requirements for the connection. How to register for seminars. Schedule of online seminars - April]
*[  Joint competition of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Polish Academy of Sciences 2021-2023. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until June 30, 2020]
*[[media:Наказ про дистанційний режим роботи.pdf| ORDER of the director of  O.O. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the mode of remote operation in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19]]
*[[media:Наказ про додаткові заходи санітарно епідеміологічної безпеки .pdf|ORDER of the director of the Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on additional sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures]] 
*VIII Congress of the Ukrainian Society of Neuroscience is postponed to 2021
* 14th School-seminar "Biophysical research methods in neuroscience and physiology" is postponed indefinitely
* The 3rd Innovation Days "Biotech meets Business 2020" are postponed indefinitely
* Events that were planned for the Brain Week in Ukraine based on the O.O. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine are postponed indefinitely
*On the basis of [ Protocol № 9 of the Standing Committee on Technogenic Ecological Safety and Emergencies of Kyiv dated 11.03.2020] '' 'in connection with quarantine in educational institutions' '' The Directorate of the Institute asks staff who have small children (before primary school inclusive) apply to the personnel department to establish a flexible work schedule for the period from 12.03.2020 to 31.03.2020.
* March 28, 2020. With the support of the international project NEUROTWIN Innovation Center of Kyiv Academic University of NAS of Ukraine invites you to take part in the '' '3rd Innovation Day "Biotech meets Business 2020"' '' (Kurdyumov Institute of Metal Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Blvd. Vernadsky, 36, Kyiv, Ukraine). [[media:File:NEUROTWIN and KAU S&T Meeting final.docx|'''Updated information''']] [ Registration]
* March 6, 2020, in preparation for the 3rd Innovation Day of Kyiv Academic University (KAU) Biotech meets Business, which is supported by the international project NEUROTWIN for scientists and developers who want to participate in the plenary session and present their business developments and potential We plan to organize a master class for investors with invited professional mentors who will conduct a ''' free training on writing pitch presentations''' [[media:Інформаційний лист.docx|Інформаційний лист.]] [[media:Програма заходу 1.rtf|Програма.]] [[media:Зразок презентації КАУ ІМФ 24 10 (3).pptx|Зразок презентації 1.]] [[media:Корнієнко.pptx|Зразок презентації 2]]
* April 27-29, 2020, the XVI International Scientific Conference "Youth and Progress in Biology" is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Biology of Lviv National University. I. Franko and the 90th anniversary of the birth of prof. M.P. Derkach (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 1 Universitetska Street, Lviv, Ukraine)[[media:File:Інформ лист.docx|Детальна інформація]]
* The NEUROTWIN grant program announces a competition for the best publication for 2017-2020 in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience. The competition winner will receive a grant to participate in the XII Neuroscience Forum FENS Forum 2020, which will take place in Glasgow, Scotland, July 11-15, 2020. [[media:КОНКУРС на кращу публікацію 2017 2020.docx|Details]]
* February 28 (Friday) 2020 seminar Ph.D. Volodymyr Krotov: “THE ROLE OF NEURONS OF THE X-PLATE OF THE SPINAL CRAIN IN NOCYCEPTION” (OO Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 4 Bogomolets Street, Kyiv, Ukraine, room 214 (lab building) at 10:30. [[media:28 лютого Кротов В..docx|Information]]
* February 21 (Friday) 2020 seminar Yelyashova SI: "MECHANIC SENSITIVITY OF THE BLADDER: MYOGENIC COMPONENT" (Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 4 Bogomolets Street, Kyiv, Ukraine) 214 (lab. Building) at 10:30). [[media:21 лютого Єльяшов Семен..docx|Information]]
* NEUROTWIN grant program announces a competition for students and young scientists of the Institute of Physiology. O.O. Bogomolets to receive grants to participate in the XII Forum on Neuroscience FENS 2020, to be held in Glasgow, Scotland on July 11-15, 2020.[[media:Neurotwin_FENS_travel_grant.docx|Information]]
* February 14 (Friday) 2020 seminar Ph.D. Shatursky O.Ya .: "pH-DEPENDENCE OF THE DIMENSIONS OF THE TIME OF THE CHANNEL FORMED BY DIPHTHERIUM TOXIN, AND MODULATION OF ITS TOXIC ACTION (Ukraine. 214 (lab. Building) at 10:30). [[media:14 лютого Шатурський О.Я..docx| Information]]
*[ April 15-17, 2020 14th School-seminar "Biophysical research methods in neuroscience and physiology"]
*[ CERIC-ERIC Central European Research Infrastructure Research Consortium Competition]
*[ The competition of projects under the target program of scientific researches of NAS of Ukraine "Genomic, molecular and cellular bases of development of innovative biotechnologies" is announced]
* January 31 (Friday) 2020 seminar Ph.D. Duzhoy DE: “MECHANISMS OF EXCITABILITY OF PN-SENSITIVE NEURONS OF DORSAL GANGLES IN INFLAMMATION” (OO Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Building 4, 4 Bogomolets St., Kyiv, vul. : 30) [[media:2020.01.31 Seminar Duzhyy.docx|Information]]
*[ June 3-7, 2020 '' 'VIII Congress of the Ukrainian Society of Neuroscience' '' (Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine) | Information]
*[ Competition for the Prizes of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists]
*[ 12.02.2021 р. Онлайн-конференція "Українки в науці, яким аплодує світ"
Серед запрошених спікерок – науковиці НАН України, які стали переможницями премії L’ORÉAL-ЮНЕСКО «Для жінок у науці» у 2018-2020 рр.
*[ Competition for nominal scholarships of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists - doctors of sciences]
* The Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany has launched a new program "German-Ukrainian Centers for Advanced Research in Ukraine" Details at the link:[]
* According to the Order of the Director of the O.O. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician OO Crystal and following the Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine України149 of 15.05.2019 in March 2020 will be held the next certification of researchers and leading engineers of the Institute of Physiology. O.O. Bogomolets of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
*[ April, 24-26 2020 NEURONUS 2020 IBRO NEUROSCIENCE FORUM (Krakow, Poland)]
*[ Competition for grants for visits of young scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to Poland for a month for an internship in research institutions of the Polish Academy of Sciences]
*[ The National Research Foundation (NFF) will be able to announce the first competitions for scientists - the government has approved all the documents for the full launch of the NFD]
* The staff of the  O.O. Bogomolets  Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine sincerely congratulates Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine '' 'Mykola Serhiiovych Veselovsky' '' on the Jubilee !!! He wishes you good health and well-being, optimism and creative inspiration, talented students, and success in research and work, the realization of personal ideas and desires!

Revision as of 21:06, 28 March 2021

  • Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:

25.03.2021 (Thursday) 10.00 PhD student Elva Friðjónsdóttir: Investigating neurochemical changes associated with Parkinson's disease and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia using mass spectrometry imaging Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join

  • 19 березня 2020 р. об 11:00 відбудеться Zoom семінар д.м.н, проф. Досенко В.Є.: "ВАКЦИНИ ТА ВАКЦИНАЦІЯ ВІД COVID-19"

Meeting ID: 858 9190 3985 Passcode: 854911Join Приєднатись

Колектив Інституту фізіології ім.О.О.Богомольця НАН України щиро вітає академіка НАН України, заступника директора Інституту Веселовського Миколу Сергійовича, д.б.н., зав. лабораторії Федулову Світлану Анатоліївну та м.н.с. Тельку Марію Василівну, яким за підсумками конкурсу 2020 р., проведеного відділеннями Національної академії наук України, та відповідно до Положення про премії імені видатних учених України Президія НАН України було присуджено премію імені В.Ю.Чаговця, за цикл праць «Механізми впливу норадреналіну на електричну активність нейронів ганглія трійчастого нерва». Вітаємо та бажаємо подальших успіхів!

За підтримки проєкту NEUROTWIN відбудуться онлайн зустрічі на платформі ZOOM за адресою: Meeting ID: 891 4316 9075 о 19.00 (Це посилання дійсне на усі сім лекцій)

та в YouTube на каналі проєкту NEUROTWIN - спільної програми ЄС Horizon 2020 та Інституту фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця НАН України -

15.03.2021 р. Ольга Маслова (к.б.н., співзасновниця Nobilitet): Лови свій ритм!

16.03.2021 р. Кравченко Вікторія (к.б.н., доцентка кафедри фізіології людини і тварин КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка): Когнітивний резерв

17.03.2021 р. Станіслав Кравчук (лікар-інтерн, викладач сексуальної освіти, науковий консультант theBODY school): Мозок та мікробіом

18.03.2021 р. Василь Микитюк (докторант Інституту Макса Планка, Кельн, Німеччина): Нейробіологія потреб

19.03.2021 р. Дмитро Ісаєв (к.б.н., ст.досл., пров.н.с. Інституту фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця НАН України): Канабіноїди в медицині: стан та перспективи

20.03.2021 р. Андрій Чернінський (к.б.н., ст.досл., с.н.с. Інституту фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця НАН України): Загадки свідомості

21.03.2021 р. Нана Войтенко (д.б.н., проф., зав. відділу сенсорної сигналізації Інституту фізіології ім. О.О.Богомольця НАН України): Де живе щастя?

  • Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:

11.03.2021 (Thursday) 10.00 PhD student Irès van der Zwaan and PhD Student Sohan Sarangi : Inhalation - From production to patients Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join


Інтерв’ю кандидата біологічних наук Аліни Савотченко (Інститут фізіології імені О.О. Богомольця НАН України)

Інтерв’ю кандидата біологічних наук Дмитра Ісаєва. В інтерв’ю пресслужбі НАН України він розповів про свої дослідження, пов’язані з COVID-19, поділився роздумами щодо наукового та медичного застосування канабіноїдів і пояснив, чому Інститут потрібно всіляко берегти й розвивати.

Міністр внутрішніх справ Арсен Аваков «попросив» Національну академію наук передати поліції 16-поверхову будівлю лабораторного комплексу Інституту фізіології ім. Богомольця в центрі Києва

Довели вчені Інституту фізіології імені О.О. Богомольця НАН України. Про це й інше в ексклюзивному інтерв’ю пресслужбі НАН України розповів керівник досліджень – завідувач відділу загальної та молекулярної патофізіології Інституту фізіології імені О.О. Богомольця НАН України доктор медичних наук, професор Віктор Досенко

  • ПОСТАНОВА ПРЕЗИДІЇ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ АКАДЕМІЇ НАУК УКРАЇНИ про активізацію комунікаційної діяльності в НАН України від 17.02.2021 №. 51 Постанова

STEM is FEM анонсував допрем’єрний показ виставки, присвяченої відомим українським жінкам-ученим. У рамках експозиції про свій науковий шлях розкажуть науковиці НАН України: генетикиня Оксана Півень, математикиня Олена Ванєєва та нейрофізіологиня Нана Войтенко

  • Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:

04.03.2021 (Thursday) 10.00 Prof. Göran Alderborn and PhD student Maryam Tofiq: Compression and compaction of granular solids Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join

International Exchanges Scheme. This scheme is for scientists based in the UK who want to stimulate collaborations with leading scientists overseas through either a one-off visit or bilateral travel. Apply for between £3,000 for one-off travel lasting up to three months up to £12,000 for bilateral travel between partners for up to two years. Deadline: 10 March 2021 View scheme notes

The five-year Royal Society Wolfson Fellowships will enable UK universities and not-for-profit research institutions to attract and recruit internationally outstanding leading researchers to their organisation. The Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship provides up to £300,000 over five years to recruit international research leaders to UK institutions. The Royal Society Wolfson Visiting Fellowship offers up to £125,000 for a 12-month sabbatical for international researchers to foster collaborative links with UK institutions. Deadline: 17 March 2021

  • 23.02.2021 р. Інститут фізіології ім. О.О. Богомольця НАН України оголошує конкурс на заміщення вакантних посад старшого наукового співробітника відділу імунофізіології та наукового співробітника лабораторії синаптичної передачі відділу фізіології нейронних мереж. Деталі за посиланням.

  • 26.03.2021 р. All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Department of General and Clinical Pathophysiology named after DO Alperna KhNMU: The first readings dedicated to prof. TO. Alperna "Topical issues of pathological physiology." The event will take place in the "online" format. Detailed information.

  • 11 February, marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. It was established by the UN on December 22, 2015 to remind of the important role of women in science and technology. Dear our women in science! Congratulations on this day! We wish you love, inspiration, success, luck and good mood!


  • Until March 10 of this year, the Scientific and Publishing Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine will accept for publication publications published under the seal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during the last three years. Detailed information

  • Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speaker:

11.02.2021 р . (Thursday) 10.00 PhD student Rekha Tripathi: A novel transceptor involved in regulating cellular metabolism. Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join

  • Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speaker:

04.02.2021 р . (Thursday) 10.00 Prof. Greta Hultqvist: Design of biological drugs for neurodegenerative diseases. Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join

  • Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:

28.01.2021 р . (Thursday) 10.00 Prof. Ola Söderberg: Intelligent design - the path to illumination; Prof. Johan Lennartsson: Life and death of a receptor tyrosine kinase; Prof. Maria Norlin: Vitamin D, the light hormone Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join

  • 21.01.2021 р . (Thursday) at 5.30 pm INTERDISCIPLINARY SEMINAR OF HORIZONS OF SCIENCE in online format (Microsoft Teams) -Prof. Nana Voitenko (OO Bogomolets Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine): The potential of the human brain . Link to join: link_Obriji_nauky To join, you need to install Microsoft Teams on your computer or smartphone, or use the application in the Chrome browser (or Opera), and register in it. See more

  • Dear colleagues! NEUROTWIN project partner - Professor Georgy Bakalkin (Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacy and Biological Research, Uppsala University, Sweden) invites the Institute staff to a series of online seminars on biological sciences, which will be held on Thursdays. This week's speakers:

21.01.2021. (Thursday) 10.00 Prof. Ola Spjuth: AI, Automation and Cell Biology: Research in the Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics group; Prof. Sara Mangsbo: Antibodies as scaffolds for synthetic peptide drug delivery to antigen-presenting cells. Meeting ID: 637 4402 8735 Passcode: farmbio Join

  • 'The administration and the trade union sincerely congratulate the staff of the Institute on Christmas and New Year 2021. We wish you and your family good health for many years, creative inspiration, success in implementing your plans! May the New Year be better than the previous one and become a year of new achievements and prosperity for our Institute! '


  • 12.01.2021 о 12.00 at the meeting of the Academic Council in the on-line mode on the ZOOM platform there will be an approbation of the dissertation work of Ph.D. VI Portnichenko for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Mechanisms of development of the hypometabolic state in hypoxia and approaches to pathogenetic correction"

Scientific consultant: MD, prof. І.М. Mankovskaya


Conference ID: 959 5041 1371

Access code: 484127

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