Department of Clinical Physiology of Connective Tissues

Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
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Scientific supervisor - Professor Berezovskii V., Celebrated man of science and engineering of Ukraine, Doctor of Science (medicine).

The Respiratory Physiology Department was organised in 1974, and it was headed by V. Berezovskii, Dr. Sci. (medicine). Soon the department was given its present name.

Main trends in the work of the Department are as follows: investigation of physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms of development of "civilization diseases", search for ways to prevent them and to treat them without drugs. On the basis of experimental and clinical investigations carried out by research workers of the Department, main boundaries are determined between physiological and pathological responses of the organism. It has been found that dose-related decrease in the partial tension of oxygen in the environment is one of the universal adaptogenes. The conception on the sanogenic action of dose-related intermittent hypoxia was advanced and described in monographs Physiological Mechanisms of Sanogenic Effect of Mountain Climate, - K., 1988 and Introduction to Orotherapy,-K., 1998.

Experimental checking of this conception was made under high-altitude and laboratory conditions by means of simulation of hypoxic states in altitude chambers (hypobaric hypoxia) and in gas chambers (normoharic hypoxia) with respective dosage of the level and duration of intermittent hypoxia. Oxygen tension in tissues and intensity of cellular respiration have been studied by the direct polarographic method. For the cycle of investigations V.Berezovskii has been awarded the O.O. Bogomolets prize.

Modification of biological membranes by means of alimentary deprivation and food additives reveals importance of the structure of cellular membranes in regulation of oxygen supply of tissues. The study of the physiological significance of surfactants in the lungs and biophysical properties of monolayers of the surfactants has permitted determaining significance of these substances in the processes of oxygen transport in the organism. Results of these studies were published in monograph Surfactants of the Lung, - K., 1982 and in collected scientific papers Surfactants of the Lung in Norm and in Pathology, K., 1983.

It has been proved in clinical investigations that dose-related moderate hypoxia makes relaxation of smooth muscles in blood vessels and bronchioles, inhibits allergic manifestations and permits removing bronchial spasms in patients with bronchial asthma. Relaxation of smooth mus­cles exerts a significant therapeutic effect on diseases of res­piratory organs, of the cardiovascular system, gastrointesti­nal tract and brain circulation disturbances.

New medical technology of instrumental orotherapy has been developed at the Department and instruments for its use in the clinical practice have been made: a chamber of artificial high-altitude climate Orotron and individual appara­tus of artificial high-altitude air Bom. This invention has five author's certificates and patents. Methodical recommenda­tions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "Technology for increasing the organism resistance by means of hypoxytherapy" (Berezovskii V.Ya., Gorban E.M., Levashov M.I., Sutkovy A.D., - K., 2000) have been prepared and pub­lished, the second edition of monograph Introduction to Orotherapy" (Berezovskii V.Ya., Levashov M.I., - K. – 2000) was published as well.

In 2002 the Department of clinical pathology paticipated actively in creation of the experimental therapeutic-preventive infra-red thermochamber. The department together with the Institute of Nephrology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine carried out clinical and experimental investigations of the effect exerted by infra-red irradiation on the state of practically sound people and patients with chronical pyelonephritis. The results of these investigations have shown that combination of the medicamental and biophysical methods of treatment increases efficiency and reduces terms of recovery of the patients.Development of the cochlear halochamber was a new step in development of non-medicamental prophylaxis and therapy of many diseases. Results of clinical approval have shown that courses of sanitation demonstrated high efficiency of halotherapy during rehabilitation of patients with prenosological forms of diseases, in case of the syndrome of chronic superfatigue, hypertensive responses, hypersecretory forms of chronic bronchitis. Data from these investigations served the basis for publication of methodical recommendations as to application of halotherapy in sanatorium-therapeutic establishments Application of salt chambers in satiation and therapeutic establishments (Berezovskii V.Ya., Gorban R.N., Loboda T.M., - K., 2003).

Development of the cochlear halochamber was a new step in development of non-medicamental prophylaxis and therapy of many diseases. Results of clinical approval have shown that courses of sanitation demonstrated high efficiency of halotherapy during rehabilitation of patients with prenosological forms of diseases, in case of the syndrome of chronic superfatigue, hypertensive responses, hypersecretory forms of chronic bronchitis. Data from these investigations served the basis for publication of methodical recommendations as to application of halotherapy in sanatorium-therapeutic establishments Application of salt chambers in satiation and therapeutic establishments (Berezovskii V.Ya., Gorban R.N., Loboda T.M., - K., 2003).

In 2000 Professor V.Ya. Berezovskii, head of the department, Dr.Sci., was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and engineering for fundamental investigations of hypoxic states and development of the technology for using adaptation to hypoxia in medicine and sport.


  • Levashov M., Yanko R., Chaka E., Plotnikova L. Effect of intermittent normobaric hypoxia training on oxygen tension in the subcutaneous tissue // Int. J. of Health Sciences and Research, 2017. – V. 7, №7. – Р. 299 – 305.
  • Litovka I., Berezovskyi V., Veselskyi S., Yanko R., Zhernoclov U. Seasonal features of exogenous melatonin and dosed hypoxia influences on bone remodeling of young rats // Intern. J. of Information Research and Review, 2017. – V. 04, №4. – Р. 3986 – 3991.
  • Yanko R., Berezovskii V., Chaka E., Levashov M., Plotnikova L., Litovka I. Morphofunctional characteristic of hepatocytes after exposure to intermittent normobaric hypoxia in normotensive and hypertensive rats // Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems, 2017. – V. 8., №2. –С.265 –270
  • Berezovskiy V.A., Litovka I.G., Veselsky S.P., Yanko R.V., Zhernoklov U.O. The Effect of Exogenous Melatonin on Bone Remodelling// Int. J. of Physiol. and Pathophysiol. – 2016. – V.7., № 2. – P. 149 – 155.
  • Kobyliak N., Dynnyk O., Abenavoli L. The Role of Liver Biopsy to Assess Alcoholic Liver Disease // Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials. – 2016, № 11. – P. 175 –179.

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