EXPERIMENTAL BASE WITH A CLINIC (VIVARIUM) is a structural part of Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology; as a production department it deals with keeping and breeding of numerous species and lines of laboratory animals. Rats and mice are the main laboratory models for scientific investigations at the Institute; therefore, the vivarium is mainly aimed at keeping of sufficient quantity of standardized animals. The vivarium supplies the following lines of laboratory animals for delivery and reserve keeping:
- Rats - Wistar, SHR, Fischer.
- Mice - White outbred (albino), C57BL, FVB, CBA, DBA, BALB, AKR.
A majority of lines originate from authorized nurseries: Jackson Lab (USA) and "Stolbovaya" (Russia). Staff of the vivarium consists of high-class experts, specialists in fields of veterinary and zootechnics. Regular laboratory surveys, veterinary and sanitary measures ensure animal health maintaining.