Rozova Katherine

Інститут фізіології ім. О. О. Богомольця
(відмінності між версіями)
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Рядок 46: Рядок 46:
<br>'''The doctoral thesis''' - " Structural and functional changes in biological barriers and mitochondrial apparatus of the lung and heart and their role in providing the body with oxygen during hypoxia and stress " defended in 2013. Except analyzing the relationship between  structure and function in the body oxygen transport systems and energy power of cell mitochondrial apparatus, it was managed to find a new intravital way of ultrastructure of mitochondria changing - formation under the hypoxic hypoxia micro mitochondria within hypoxic damaged organelles. Such changes in living organisms are found for the first time because a similar process was observed only by Russian scientists in experiments in vitro, as before - just under adverse environmental conditions in the life cycle of yeast. In the formation of micro mitochondria involved mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels.  The value of this way of transformation is in possibility of preserve adequate energy production under hypoxic conditions.
<br>'''The doctoral thesis''' - " Structural and functional changes in biological barriers and mitochondrial apparatus of the lung and heart and their role in providing the body with oxygen during hypoxia and stress " defended in 2013. Except analyzing the relationship between  structure and function in the body oxygen transport systems and energy power of cell mitochondrial apparatus, it was managed to find a new intravital way of ultrastructure of mitochondria changing - formation under the hypoxic hypoxia micro mitochondria within hypoxic damaged organelles. Such changes in living organisms are found for the first time because a similar process was observed only by Russian scientists in experiments in vitro, as before - just under adverse environmental conditions in the life cycle of yeast. In the formation of micro mitochondria involved mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels.  The value of this way of transformation is in possibility of preserve adequate energy production under hypoxic conditions.
<br>[[File:The stages of micro-mitochondria formation.jpg|500px|thumb|The stages of micro-mitochondria formation|center]]
<br>[[File:micro-mitochondria_formation.jpg|500px|thumb|The stages of micro-mitochondria formation|center]]

Поточна версія на 13:41, 20 квітня 2018

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Ekateryna V. Rozova

Name: Ekateryna V. Rozova , DrSci
Коротенька біографія:
Was born in Kiev - kyivite in the 4th generation. In 1975 graduated from the Faculty of Biology of the State Shevchenko University on a specialty biologist-biophysicist. Candidate of Biological Sciences from 1983. In 2013 has defended thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science. At the Bogomoletz Institute of Physioligy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine working since 1975. In 1993, awarded the title of senior researcher. In 2008 was elected to the post of principal researcher of the department of hypoxic state. Is the author and co-author about 300 scientific papers (mostly chapters in books and articles in Ukrainian and foreign journals) and 5 inventions; took part in the design and implementation into medical practice of two drugs: Lipin (Ukraine) and Suphan (Russia). In 2013 defended the doctoral thesis in human and animal physiology.
Посада й напрямки роботи:
In 2007 was elected to the post of principal researcher of the department of hypoxic state
Since 2016 - head of the graduating department of the Institute.

Scientific career began in a student times (the study of spontaneous and hover potential of giant snails neurons, spontaneous chemiluminescence causative agents of diseases of plant facilities); at that time was published the first scientific work. However, the real scientific work began at the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where I work since 1975: 1975-1984 - senior laboratory assistant in Department of Physiology of gas exchange and Department of respiratory physiology; 1984-1986 - junior researcher in the department of hypoxic conditions; 1986-1990 - researcher in the department of hypoxic conditions; 1990-2007 - senior researcher in the department of hypoxic conditions; 2007 - to date - a principal researcher in the department of on hypoxic conditions.
Проекти, гранти:
Investigation associated with the implementation of comprehensive research, not only with other departments of the Institute, but also with other scientific institutions (active or completed in 2013-2015. cooperation agreements):
SI "Institute of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology Ukraine";
Kyiv P.L. Shupyk Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education;
National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine;
Ukrainian Military Medical Academy;
Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University;
Institute of Gerontology AMSU.
Performs works with the Ukrainian Antarctic Centre and the Institute of Occupational Medicine AMSU, implementing a new approaches to determine the influence on the organism of long stay in the Antarctic for understanding of their ability to work. Some scientific papers devoted to the studying of the effects on the organism of prolonged action of ionizing radiation caused by the Chernobyl accident and ways of correcting damages, which arise on the background of radiation exposure.

Ключові публікації:
1. Rozova K.V. Effect of Different Origin Hypoxia on the Status of the Cyclic Nucleotide System and on the Morphofunctional Changes in the Lung and in the Heart Tissues // Intern. J. Physiol. and Pathophysiol. – 2011. – V. 2, N 1. – P. 25-33. - DOI: 10.1615/IntJPhysPathophys.v2.i1.30
2. Rozova K., Gonchar O., Mankovska I. Benefits and risks of different regimen of intermittent hypoxic training // Intermittent Hypoxia and Human Diseases. – London: Springer-Verlag, 2012. - Chapter 22. – P. 273-280. – DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-2906-6_2.
3. Rozova E.V., Mankovskaya I.M., MironovaG.D. Structural and dynamic changes in mitochondria of rat myocardium under acute hypoxic hypoxia: Role of mitochondrial ATP-dependent potassium channel // Biochemistry (Moscow). – 2015. – V. 80, N 8. – P. 994-1000. – DOI: 10.1134/S0006297915080040
4. Rozova E. V., Pokhylko V. I., Sydoryak N. G., Dubovaya M. G. Structural/Functional Modifications in the Mitochondria of Brainstem Cells in Rat Offspring Subjected to Prenatal Hypoxia. – Neurophysiology. - 2016. – V. 48, N 2. – P. 97-106. – DOI: 10.1007/s11062-016-9574-x
5. Sydoriak N.G., Rozova E.V. Peculiarities of the Hypoxic State Formation in Rats under Nitrite Methemoglobinemia // Indian J. Appl. Res.- 2016. - V. 6, N 2. – P. 618-620.
6. Moiseyenko Ye.V., Sukhorukov V.I., Pyshnov G.Yu., Mankovska I.M., Rozova K.V., Miroshnychenko O.A., Kovalevska O.E., Madjar S-A.Y., Bubnov R.V., Gorbach A.O., Danylenko K.M., Moiseyenko O.I. Antarctica challenges the new horizons in predictive, preventive, personalized medicine: preliminary results and attractive hypothesis for multi-disciplinary prospective studies in the Ukrainian `Akademik Vernadsky` Station. – The EPMA Journal. 2016. – 7 : 11. – DOI: 10.186/s13167-016-0060-8 (D-16-00006).
Наукові інтереси Scientific interests
1. Morfo- and stereometric research of ultrastructure of various organism tissues, cells and individual organelles under hypoxic conditions of different origin.
2. Studying the relationship between structure and function in systems that provide the body with oxygen under hypoxic conditions of different genesis.
3. Morfo- and stereometric study of the role of mitochondrial and endothelial dysfunctions in hypoxia development and in formation of pathological conditions under the experiment and clinic.
4. Investigation of mitochondrial apparatus of cells in different tissues of the body morphofunctional state during exercise of different duration and prolonged stay in Antarctic conditions.

Методики, якими володієте:
Electron and light microscopy; morpho- and stereometry$ the study of respiratory function and blood circulation in animals and humans; methods of investigation of local immunity in the oral cavity (HCT test, determination of alkaline phosphatase activity, etc.); study of the acid-base state of blood.
Наукова діяльність не пов’язана з роботою (напр наукові гуртки):
Cooperation with the Junior Academy of Science at the gymnasium "Academy" of Sviatoshynskyi district in Kyiv, attracting pupils and students to scientific work (lectures for distribution among adults and school children environmental knowledge and the formation of concepts about healthy lifestyle, conducting classes and joint research, preparing scientific work for JAS).
President of the International Academy of Human Development, the academic and chairman of science sector of the International Academy of safety culture, environment and health. In 2011 was elected as a member of the European Association for Security.
Хоббі, інтереси не пов’язані з роботою:
I write poetry; in 2012 published my first collection "Dreams ...".
Graduated from the People's University of Preservation of Ukraine Historic and Architecture – according for the diploma I am a public Protection Supervisor of such attractions.
Контактна інформація (тел., пошта):

The doctoral thesis - " Structural and functional changes in biological barriers and mitochondrial apparatus of the lung and heart and their role in providing the body with oxygen during hypoxia and stress " defended in 2013. Except analyzing the relationship between structure and function in the body oxygen transport systems and energy power of cell mitochondrial apparatus, it was managed to find a new intravital way of ultrastructure of mitochondria changing - formation under the hypoxic hypoxia micro mitochondria within hypoxic damaged organelles. Such changes in living organisms are found for the first time because a similar process was observed only by Russian scientists in experiments in vitro, as before - just under adverse environmental conditions in the life cycle of yeast. In the formation of micro mitochondria involved mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channels. The value of this way of transformation is in possibility of preserve adequate energy production under hypoxic conditions.

The stages of micro-mitochondria formation
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